Pequena Xonondo N°6

(Buzi - MZ)
Length 19m Depth 12m
Grottocenter / carte


Mutanda zone, Buzi district, Sofala province. GPS (WGS84) S 19°55’25.3" / E 34°0731, 1’’, ca. 120 m asl. Surveyed on 2 Sept. 1999 by Artur Fernandes (BCRA-Grade 2a). Length: 19.00 m. Vertical range: -12, 10 m. The entrance of the vertical pit (ladder or SRT required) is situated 100 m west of Pequena Xonondo No. 1 Michael Laumanns - 28/11/2015


Michael Laumanns - 28/11/2015

The pit with widens towards the base and contains nice calcite formations (stalactites). The ground is covered with rocks. No bats. No evidence of conglomerate infillings.

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