LABIT, Thangskai (Krem)

(Khliehriat - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 05/04/2016

A huge sink, which is clogged by an even huger pile of sand and drift wood but obviously indicates an underground drainage system. SITUATION: About a kilometre in a direct line west of Thangskai (25°11'40”N: 92°22'30”E) and in the area between the village and what had been in February 1999 a coal miners' shanty dwelling (22°11'50”N: 92°21'05”E) at the edge of an extensive "bri soh kophi" (coffee plantation). CAVE POTENTIAL: Looks like taking a substantial flow in due time. Said to have been gaping wide open once upon a time. Perhaps accessible via the –>Coffee Cave.


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1999.02.16: Speding Dkhar from Thangskai guided B. D. Kharpran Daly, H. D. Gebauer and Andrew "Andy" Peter Tyler to the potential sink but then (February 1999) inaccessible cave entrance. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 05/04/2016

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.1UMSO, Thangskai, 2nd (Krem)
0.3UMDA - UMSO, Thangskai (Krem)
0.3UMTYRA, 2nd (Krem)
0.4UMDA 2 (Krem)
0.6Umtyra (Krem)
0.6UR BLANG, Lumshnong: Chiehruphi (Krem)
0.7Coffee Cave, Thangskai, 1st (aa -)
0.7UMKHLOT (Krem)