Tamra Khani

Makawanpurgadhi (मकवानपुर - NP)
Grottocenter / carte


SITUATION 1814: Tamra Khani, or the copper mine, is a small village inhabited by mountain Hindus, (Parbatiyas,) and situated in a very narrow part of the valley, which is straitened by an insulated hill on the north side of the river. … a small village named Tamra Khani. Near it is a productive copper mine … (HAMILTON BUCHANAN 1819 edited 2009: 203). APPROACH 1793: I compute the road-distance from Tambeh-kan to Khatmanda, by Pheerphing, to be twenty-three miles, whereas, by Chitlong and Chandraghiri, it does not, I imagine, exceed nineteen (KIRKPATRICK, W J 1811 : 77). APPROACH 1814: From Bhimphedi to the copper mine (Tamrakhani) on the Panauni, is about 5 1/2 miles over the chain of mountains called Lamadangra [Lama Dangra], and by the pass called Chisapani [note 2] (HAMILTON BUCHANAN 1819 edited 2009: 200). BTH - 22/08/2024


Various information

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Man-made mines excavated for copper mineralisations. ETYMOLOGY: The Gorkhali (a.k.a. Eastern Pahari, Khas, Nepali) -tama- and -tanba- (KRÄMER 2007: 130) means copper and is the same as -tamba- (GURUNG, H 1996: 63), -tambeh- (KIRKPATRICK, W J 1811 : 62, 69, 72, 77), and -tamra- (BUCHANAN HAMILTON 1819: 203). So far, I saw the name of the name of this village (populated place) called, transcribed, edited or printed as Kow-li-kan GURUNG, H (1996: 57 item 310) Kowli-kan KIRKPATRICK, W J (1811 : 62) Tambakhani GURUNG, H (1996: 63 item 515) Tambeh-kan KIRKPATRICK, W J (1811 : 62, 69, 72) Tamra Khani BUCHANAN HAMILTON (1819: 203). MINE DESCRIPTION 1793: The village of Tambeh-kan, called also Kowli-kan [note 1], is at present [February 1793] a miserable place, though before the copper mines in its vicinity (whence it derives its name) were exhausted, it is said to have been both populous and flourishing … Though the mines close to this place are now nearly exhausted, yet other veins of copper have been discovered, and are worked at no great distance from hence (KIRKPATRICK, W J 1811 : 62). MINE DESCRIPTION 1814: … A small village named Tamra Khani. Near it is a productive copper mine, which the jealousy of the people hindered me from seeing, nor could I procure any of the ore, except a few small fragments (HAMILTON BUCHANAN 1819 edited 2009: 203).


Bibliography 06/01/2018
  • Hamilton Buchanan, Francis 1819, 2009; Kirkpatrick, William J 1811.


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
8.2KACHWANPUR (Cave near)
14.9ASURA GUFA, Pharphing / Yangleshod
14.9Shikhar Narayana Gufa
17.3BASBARI 3 (Cave at)
17.3BASBARI 4 (Cave at)
17.3BASBARI 5 (Cave at)