Tham Ariyasat Si - LB0067

โคกตูม (TH)
Length 486m Depth 38m
Grottocenter / carte


The cave is located above and to the east of the Ariyasat Si Monk's Campsite. A footpath leads to the entrance which comprises a 4 m climb down in situ wooden ladders. Martin Ellis - 17/02/2020


Martin Ellis - 17/02/2020

The largest and most impressive cave in the Khao Tham Erewan area. This is a very signifcant cave and was only partially explored due to lack of time and equipment. At the bottom of the entrance is a large chamber sloping down to the right with a large skylight in the roof. At the bottom the chamber is choked. Near the bottom an igneous dyke can be seen in the wall. Monks use this chamber for meditation purposes. To the left of the bottom of the entrance ladders is a wide, low passage sloping down to the left. This leads to two further passages. The first heads straight on from the end. It follows a series of small rooms and intercinnecting passages to a soil choke after 120 m. The second passage is back up the slope a little and to the right. The entrance was excavated by monks following a strong draught. A short crawl through the dug-out section leads to a climb up of 4m (rope useful). At the top a 15m deep hole is passed and a varied passage with heavily corroded limestone follows. Several small rooms and crawls later a 6m climb up to the left opens into a huge room. The floor of this room is a mountain of dry bat guano sloping off to the left and to the right. Leftwards leads downwards to a shaft that needs equipment to descend. Right leads to a wooden ladder dropping down 3m into a chamber with many large speleothems. This appears to be the end although the room was not fully explored. The cave is generally in good condition and little disturbed, especially in the'right' hand series.


Martin Ellis - 17/02/2020

SMART, DEAN (2005) - UISv2 Grade 3-3-F


[Topo] Tham Ariyasat Si 07/05/2019
Bibliography 17/02/2020


2004-11-05 D. Smart et al. - surveyed cave Martin Ellis - 17/02/2020

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