Tham Hua Ngu [KA0505]

Length 88m Depth 5m
Grottocenter / carte


From the ranger station walk south-east for about 200 m along a track until a small stream is met joining the main river. Follow the stream up keeping to the right and the ent is found after approx. 200 m. Martin Ellis - 26/09/2019


Martin Ellis - 26/09/2019

A few metres inside the cave there is a streamway and static sump on the right. Beyond this the passage continues to a 3 m drop down into a deep, static pool. This pool has low airspace and no draught and has not been explored

Hydrology and Geology

Martin Ellis - 26/09/2019

The cave is seasonally phreatic, its proximity to the main Khlong Ngu river may allow phreatic conditions when the main river is in floor.


Martin Ellis - 26/09/2019

Dean Smart March 1999 - Grade UISv2 3-3-F


The cave was surveyed by Dean Smart on 14 March 1999. Martin Ellis - 26/09/2019

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
1.3Pa Daeng Resurgence150
1.8Resurgence KA0507
2.7Resurgence KA0508
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5.9Tham Nam Tok - KA03612710134
6.0Double Doline Sinks [KA0381]
6.1Ban Ton Maprow Stream Rising - KA0379