Ndimba Dimba (Grotte de) [B13, Grotte Tondeur]

Mbanza-Ngungu (Mbanza-Ngungu - CD)
Length 1600m
Grottocenter / carte


Michael Laumanns - 28/11/2015

(Mbanza Ngungu, Bas-Congo) Co-ordinates: E 014°52 13"; S 5"1727”. Also called B13 and Grotte Tordeur by Heuts & Leleup (1954, partial plan) and Leleup (1956). Explored in 1984 by the "Kwilu 84” expeditions. Huge dry meandering gallery interpreted as being an ancient collector. Bat guano exploitation. Ancient pottery was found in the cave entrance (De Maret 1986). Plan according to Quinif (1985b).

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
1655.6Cyamazera (Ubuvumo)1484
1656.0Bwibihonga (Ubuvumo)4530
1656.3Kabari (Ubuvumo)496
1670.8Nyaruhonga 3 (Ubuvumo)32
1675.2Manjari 2 (Ubuvumo) [Grotte Mandjari Deux]1660
1678.9Nyiragihima (Ubuvumo)1116
1683.3Gacinyiro 1 (Ubuvumo)35025
1683.4Gacinyiro 2 (Ubuvumo)1470
1683.5Rwego (Ubuvumo) [Grotte des Commandos]952