Fil Khana 4: Bazaar

(بهسود ولسوالۍ - AF)
Grottocenter / carte


Various descriptions

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A man-made troglodyte dwelling comprised of five rock chambers with niches and two interconnecting tunnels. Situated south of the large niche (–>Fil Khana no.3). CAVE DESCRIPTION (SIMPSON (1882a: 327-328; 1882b) reports five Caves [i.e. rock chambers] similar to the other caves in this locality. They were inaccessible from the river, so a long tunnel had been cut behind them, thus making a means of communication [note 1]. As this tunnel with its openings into the Caves has the appearance of an underground street, it has received the name of the -Bazaar. There is a shorter tunnel which crosses the long one at an angle … The rock is very soft sandstone, with layers of conglomerate, and the five Caves are excavated partly in both, the conglomerate being in the lower part of the Caves, and the sandstone above. The last, although very soft, has stood the effects of time better than the harder conglomerate, except in the roofs, where it has fallen down in flat masses. […] The caves may b about 12 or 13 feet wide [3.7m to 4m] and about 20 feet [6m] long, and each had the usual small recess on the side [note 2]. They must have formed very pleasant places to reside in, looking out over the river towards the Siah Koh, or Black Mountain … (note


Bibliography 06/01/2018
  • Archæology [Archaeology] in Afghanistan 1879; Caves at the Pheel Khana Tope 1879; Masson, Charles in Wilson, Horace Hayman 1841; Simpson, William 1879, 1881, 1882a, 1882b.


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.0Fil Khana 1: Vihara
0.0Fil Khana (Caves at)
0.0Fil Khana 5: upper Niche
1.4Bahrabad (Grottes de)
1.4FIL KHANA 2: Elephant House
1.4FIL KHANA 3: Niche
1.4FIL KHANA karez / kariz
5.4Barabad Karez [Kariz]
5.7Surkh Tope (Caves at)