Bongolo (Grotte de)

Length 1200m
Grottocenter / carte


General description

Michael Laumanns - 29/11/2015

(Lebamba, Ndende, Ngounie) Discovered by American missionars and explored in 1942 by the French geologist Rouquette (1952). Upper Precambrian carbonates. System of interconnected NE-SW orientated large passages of phreatic origin. Many calcite concretions. An underground stream tangents the cave in its SW and W extensions. The water temperature is 25.5° C. Length according to Lips (1997). Plan according to Peyrot & Massala (1987), who reported a length of 1,200 m. The same length was given by Juberthie & Decu (2001).

Caves nearby

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