Aa Cave, Taxila hillside

ٹیکسلا (تحصیل ٹیکسلا - PK)
Grottocenter / carte


At an unspecified hillside above the historic city of Taxila. BTH - 01/08/2024


Brief description

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

No locally known name has been identified for an approximately larger cave consisting mainly of an impressive chamber some fifty meters across (BROOKS 1990a: 3; 1990c: 3). IDENTITY: This item is possibly identical —but this is mere guesswork—with the cave near –>Mohra Moradu, the Mohra Maudu [sic!] Monastery recorded by Brooks, S J (1997 Mss: Pakistan Cave Database).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1990.08: Simon J. Brooks and members of Orpheus Caving Club (Derbyshire, UK) fully visited and entered (BROOKS 1990a: 3; 1990c: 3). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
1.1INDRASALA GUHA, Peshawar Museum
2.1MOHRA MURADU (Cave at)
3.4KALAWAN, Margala, 1st (Cave near)
3.4KALAWAN, Margala, 2nd (Cave at)
3.4KALAWAN, Margala, 3rd (Cave at)
6.4ASTRIALIA (Caves at)
10.3KHANPUR (Wilson 1976) (Caves at)
15.2BHAMALA, Taxila (Caves at)