Drotsky's Cave

Length 1200m
Grottocenter / carte


Kwihabe, Ngamiland Co-ordinates: 20°07° S, 21°22'E, BTH - 16/12/2023


General description

Michael Laumanns - 28/11/2015

Formed in dolomitic marbles of Precambrian age. Also called ,,Gcwihaba (Gwee ha ba) Cave”. National Monument. Drotsky’s Cave contains about 600 m of passage and large chambers between two entrances about 300 m apart. The cave is easily traversable and visited occasionally by tourists. It has many speleothems and big bat roosts, one of which results in an air temperature of 35° C in the SE extension of the cave. Bat were described by Cotterill (2001). Description according to Cooke & Balieul (1974) and Anon. (1980). Length according to Martini (Bull. South Afr. Speleol. Assoc., 1982, p.44). Depth approx. 25 m. Map taken from Cooke (1975).


Explored in 1932 by M.Drotsky. Described in Wayland (1944) and mapped in 1969 - 1970 by students of Falcon College, Rhodesia (Cooke 1975). BTH - 16/12/2023

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