Alum Pot

(North Yorkshire - GB)
Grottocenter / carte


Park in lane leading to Pot and call at Selside Farm (small fee). Do not block the lane. Beware of thievesAlum Pot in CNCC database : BTH - 14/03/2017


Description générale

BTH - 14/03/2017

Alum Pot (NW and SE Routes): NW route: The entirety of the shaft is descended with one hang, commencing at the north-west (NW) end (nearest to Long Churn caves). SE Route: Belay the rope to a tree a few metres from the ruined stile on the SE side of the shaft (as seen on approach from the cars). Then traverse along the edge to another tree overhanging the shaft which is the take-off point. A rebelay several metres down provides a clearer descent. From the landing point, a few direct routes of descent of the second part of the shaft are possible, or you can traverse along to reach the bottom of a huge sloping slab (The Bridge) to intercept the end of the traverse route coming from Dollytubs (on left at top of slab). ALL ROUTES: At the bottom of all routes (SE, NW or from Dolly Tubs), a further downward pitch reaches a large passage which can be followed downstream. A final awkward climb down a waterfall can be bypassed via a slot down through blocks on the left leading into a descending rift. At the bottom, the water of Diccan Pot crashes down and flows straight down into a sump. This is a draughty and impressive placef!

Topographie à télécharger

BTH - 14/03/2017



Bibliography 14/03/2017

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
3.0Great Douk Cave914
3.7Gaping Gill [Gaping Ghyll]11600105
4.9Ingleborough Cave11600105
9.5Ireby Fell Cavern5000129
21.4Eden Sike Cave
24.8Mossdale Caverns10500
37.8Pate Hole
722.2Vistehola [Svarthola]9