What inadvertently was nicknamed -Fertilizer Cave- is an insurgence or sink (Boycott 2004.02.12 Mss) likely to yeild [sic!] a good cave (note 1) which once had been superbly named Krem Bun (note 2) and lies in an unidentified location (note 3) exactly not far away (JARRATT 2004a: 31). ETYMOLOGY: Krem Wah Rylien is perhaps not exactly a much superbly named Krem Bun (JARRATT 2004a: 31) —unless comic strip language is required. The Khasi noun -u bùn- is turf burned for manure while the adjective -bún- translates into much, many (SINGH, N 1906: 17). In February 2003 Raplang Shangpliang is said to have called the cave Krem Wah Rlien (Jarratt 2003.02.19: Mss Cave Log 2003 entry 19/2/03). In the following year, in February 2004, the foreign visitors dedicated this cave to Bun Sukhlain, a driver from Shillong, and informally called -Krem Bun- (Brooks, S J 2004.04.16 Mss: Survey Summary revised 2004.05.11) or Cave [of the] Turf Burned For Manure. The expression -rylien- or -rlien- is not identfied unless it stands, not very likely, for the Khasi noun -u riewlieng- or a sailor, boatman (SINGH, N 1906: 173). The Khasi noun -ka arliang- translates into two sides and the adverb -aliang- means into two parts, in halves. SITUATION: Boycott, Antony 'Tony' (2004.02.12 Mss) actually suggests to cross vehicle track from Wah Ejiar [note 4] and carry on downslope into bamboo thicket. Jayne Stead (undated manuscript amendment) congenially explains tht there may exist somewhere in this world a large rck semi-circular formation visable [sic!] making a land-mark. CAVE DESCRIPTION 1 (Boycott, Antony 'Tony' 2004.02.12 Mss: Krem Wah Rylien), literally quoted: Climb down 6 m into rift, at south end drop a further 10 m to flat floor (undescended), can be seen to continue stones drop 10 - 15 m. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2 (Brooks, S J 2004 undated Mss: Amendment to Boycott 2004.02.12 Mss: Meghalaya Cave Record -Krem Wah Rylien- dated 12/2/04), literally quoted: Pitch is >40 m - 45 m rope not lon enough. CAVE DESCRIPTION 3 (Brooks, S J 2004 Mss: Survey Summary.xls): 209.15 m. CAVE DESCRIPTION 4 (JARRATT 2004a: 31) … a pitch system of 209.15 m. PROSPECTS 2004.02.12: Good (Boycott, Antony 'Tony' 2004.02.12 Mss: Meghalaya Cave Record -Krem Wah Rylien- dated 12/2/04). PROSPECTS 2004.02.21: Well worth another look as it is likely to yeild [sic!] a good cave [Brooks, S.J. 2004 undated Mss: Amendment to Boycott 2004.02.12 Mss: Krem Wah Rylien]. PROSPECTS 2004.02: Rift and pitch 12 m, promising (Arbenz, T 2004.02.19 Mss).fied unless it stands, not very likely, for the Khasi noun -u riewlieng- or a sailor, boatman (SINGH, N 1906: 173). The Khasi noun -ka arliang- translates into two sides and the adverb -aliang- means into two parts, in halves. SITUATION: Boycott, Antony 'Tony' (2004.02.12 Mss) actually suggests to cross vehicle track from Wah Ejiar [note 4] and carry on downslope into bamboo thicket. Jayne Stead (undated manuscript amendment) congenially explains tht there may exist somewhere in this world a large rck semi-circular formation visable [sic!] making a land-mark. CAVE DESCRIPTION 1 (Boycott, Antony 'Tony' 2004.02.12 Mss: Krem Wah Rylien), literally quoted: Climb down 6 m into rift, at south end drop a further 10 m to flat floor (undescended), can be seen to continue stones drop 10 - 15 m. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2 (Brooks, S J 2004 undated Mss: Amendment to Boycott 2004.02.12 Mss: Meghalaya Cave Record -Krem Wah Rylien- dated 12/2/04), literally quoted: Pitch is >40 m - 45 m rope not lon enough. CAVE DESCRIPTION 3 (Brooks, S J 2004 Mss: Survey Summary.xls): 209.15 m. CAVE DESCRIPTION 4 (JARRATT 2004a: 31) … a pitch system of 209.15 m. PROSPECTS 2004.02.12: Good (Boycott, Antony 'Tony' 2004.02.12 Mss: Meghalaya Cave Record -Krem Wah Rylien- dated 12/2/04). PROSPECTS 2004.02.21: Well worth another look as it is likely to yeild [sic!] a good cave [Brooks, S.J. 2004 undated Mss: Amendment to Boycott 2004.02.12 Mss: Krem Wah Rylien]. PROSPECTS 2004.02: Rift and pitch 12 m, promising (Arbenz, T 2004.02.19 Mss).
EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2003 February: Raplang Shangpliang reports the cave name Krem Wah Rlein to Anthony 'Tony' R Jarratt (2003.02.19 Mss Cave Log 2003: 19/2/03 after Raplang Shangpliang 2003 February, personal communication). 2004.02.12, trip 1: Raplang Shangpliang and Bun Sukhlain guided Boycott, Antony 'Tony' and Jayne Stead to Krem Wah Rylien / Krem Bun (Arbenz, T 2004.02 Mss: Abstracts.xls). 2004.02.21, trip 2: Andy (Andrew Harp or Andrew Heath) and Imogen Furlong discovered a 45 m long rope is not long enough (Brooks, Simon, J. undated manuscript amendment to Boycott 2004.02.12 Mss: Krem Wah Rylien 12/2/04). 2004.02.23, trip 3: Joe H. Duxbury, Imogen Furlong and Peter Ludwig (Simon J. Brooks 2004.04.16: Mss Survey Summary revised 2004.05.11) or Thomas Arbenz, Bun Sukhlain, Imogen Furlong, Shelley A. Diengdoh and 'team' (JARRATT 2004a: 31) visited, rigged, explored and 'surveyed' (tape spotter standards) 209.15 m of accumulated tape lengths to a degree yielding lenthwise measured distances.