Thara Gupha

Gosaikund (रसुवा - NP)
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Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Between Gram and Bhugajoonda is a celebrated cave, under a considerbale eminence, called Thara-ooral, or the cave of Thara. It is also known by the name Bhumaka-goopa. The Trisoolgunga passes below (KIRKPATRICK, W J 1811: 312). ETYMOLOGY: Thara (KIRKPATRICK, W J 1811) or Tara (Sanskrit) and Bhuma (KIRKPATRICK, W J 1811) or Bhumi (Pahari a.k.a. Gorkhali, Nepali) is about the same as Gaia (Greek) or Gäa (Latin), Mother Earth. SITUATION: From Kathmandu six day's on foot (note 1) or, if your prefer, several bumpy hours by motorized vehicle generally north towards Dunche (note 2) and on the eastern (orographically left) bank of the Trisuli (Trishuli River, Trishuli Ganga). Here, this natural, inhabitable temple cave (note 3) is said to be celebrated somewhere between Gram [note 4] and Bhugajoonda [note 5] (KIRKPATRICK, W J 1811: 312).Between Gram and Bhugajoonda is a celebrated cave, under a considerbale eminence, called Thara-ooral, or the cave of Thara. It is also known by the name Bhumaka-goopa. The Trisoolgunga passes below (KIRKPATRICK, W J 1811: 312). ETYMOLOGY: Thara (KIRKPATRICK, W J 1811) or Tara (Sanskrit) and Bhuma (KIRKPATRICK, W J 1811) or Bhumi (Pahari a.k.a. Gorkhali, Nepali) is about the same as Gaia (Greek) or Gäa (Latin), Mother Earth. SITUATION: From Kathmandu six day's on foot (note 1) or, if your prefer, several bumpy hours by motorized vehicle generally north towards Dunche (note 2) and on the eastern (orographically left) bank of the Trisuli (Trishuli River, Trishuli Ganga). Here, this natural, inhabitable temple cave (note 3) is said to be celebrated somewhere between Gram [note 4] and Bhugajoonda [note 5] (KIRKPATRICK, W J 1811: 312).


Bibliography 06/01/2018
  • Kirkpatrick, William J 1811.


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

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