Chitu (Enkuftu)

(West Harerghe - ET)
Length 12m Depth -12m
Grottocenter / carte


A doline about 750m to the north of Holqa Kele Ebeda contains a small entrance to a pitch estimated at about 12m deep. It was not explored. GS Vulcains - 26/12/2019

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.7Kele Ebeda (Holqa)131-22
2.6Holka Rukiessa 3
3.0Holka Rukiessa 2
3.3Rukiessa (Holqa)1071-72
3.5Adaangur (Holka) [Adaanguv]3414
3.5Ayanage Cave3308
3.6Lencha (Goda)
3.6Goddalencha [Lion Cave]50-5
3.6Holqa Warabesa