SYRTAP, 2nd (Boycott 2004) (Krem)

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

The mind-bogling overflow sink (note 1) called Krem Moo Sata Riat or -Cave in the Layered Rock's Cliff- is found in one bamboo grove at south-east corner of Krem Moo Sata doline (Boycott 2004.02.12 Mss) and hence somewhere on the eastern side of the Shnongrim Ridge. ETYMOLOGY: Boycott, Antony 'Tony' (2004.02.12 Mss) decided to call the 2nd cave which he came across on that day Krem Moosata Riat and was led to believe this means Limestone Honeycomb Cave but this is not the case. The Khasi word for -a honeycomb- is ka rew ngap (SINGH, N 1920: 223) or ka 'rewngap (BLAH, E 2007: 135) while the Khasi noun -ka riat“ is a precipice, a cliff (SINGH, N 1906,: 172). Boycott, Antony 'Tony' (2004.02.12 Mss). Compare Krem –>Syrtap 1 (Boycott 2004). ARBENZ (2008 Mss -Fieldbook- 68) introduced not only the new name Moo Satad Riat but also the derivate Krem Moo Satad 3 where the standard Khasi -satad- and the Synteng Khasi -syrtap- is the same. APPROACH: From Shnongrim village, take the fotpath to Wah Shikar. About 100 m before the path to Krem Synrang Ngap (Y-junction), a 10 m deep depression (30 m in diameter) with sheer walls lies about 20 m from the path. Access to the depression is via an obvious 10 m climb down (three steps) to a level soil floor (Arbenz, T 2008 Fieldbook). CAVE DESCRIPTION: Formation visable [sic!] from the bottom of sink climb up to roof over spoil --very close to the surface (anonymous Jayne Stead or Imogen Furlong, undated 2004.02 Mss amendment to Boycott 2004.02.12 Mss). Seen through a sports caving lense, this training devise allows mastering the negotiation of a free climb down 10 m to flat earth floor, draughting hole [air current] drops 5 m at NW [north-west, or so] corner --not descended-- needs ladder and rope. Climb up to [difficult to read: cude, ende, or so] alternative [?] entrance (Boycott 2004.02.12 Mss). CAVE POTENTIAL: What some consider as good (Boycott 2004.02.12 Mss) and others as minimal (Heath & Furlong 2004.02.21 Mss amedment to Boycott 2004.02.12 Mss) or good (Arbenz, T 2008 Mss -Fieldbook- 68) is not only said to be checked out: 21/2/04 (anonymous Simon J. Brooks, undated 2004.02 Mss amendment to Boycott 2004.02.12 Mss) but also worth another look (anonymous Simon J. Brooks, undated 2004.02 Mss amendment to Boycott 2004.02.12 Mss). PROSPECTS: An apparently 5 m deep, draughting hole remains undescended in the north-west corner of the flat earth floor 10 m down (after Boycott, Antony 'Tony' 2004.02.12 Mss) has been identified as a choke in floor. Alternative crawls lead to rift (too tight), & aven –no leads. Tight crawl leads on opposite rift but no draught and tight (Andy [Andrew] Heath & Imogen Furlong 2004.02.21 Mss: Amendment to Boycott, Antony 'Tony' 2004.02.12 Mss). CAVE CLIMATE: While Boycott, Antony 'Tony' (2004.02.12 Mss) draws the attention of the draught spotting world to a draughting hole with an unspecified air current, Andy [Andrew] Heath & Imogen Furlong (2004.02.21 Mss: Amndment to Boycott, Antony 'Tony' 2004.02.12 Mss) recorded v. little draught and had a drink before returning to more drinks.ndment to Boycott, Antony 'Tony' 2004.02.12 Mss) recorded v. little draught and had a drink before returning to more drinks.


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2004.02.12: Raplang Shangpliang and Bun Sukhlain guided Boycott, Antony 'Tony' and Jayne Stead to the entrance (Boycott 2004.02.12 Mss; Arbenz, T 2004.02 Mss: Abstracts.xls). 2004.02.21: Andrew 'Andy' Heath and Imogen Furlong visited (Heath & Furlong, undated Mss: Amendment to Boycott 2004.02.12 Mss; Arbenz, T 2004.02 Mss: Abstracts.xls). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.0SYRTAP, 2nd (Arbenz 2004) (Krem)
0.0WAH EJIAR (Boycott 2004) (Krem)
0.0WAH EJIAR (Ende 2007) 3rd (Krem)
0.1SYRTAP, 2nd (Ende 2007) (Krem)
0.1RIFT SINKS (Boycott & Stead 2004)
0.1SYRTAP, 1st (Ende 2007) (Krem)
0.1SYRTAP, 1st (Arbenz 2007) (Krem)
0.1WAH RYLIEN (Krem)
0.1SYRTAP, 1st (Arbenz 2004) (Krem)