Tham Takian [NA0027]

ดู่ใต้ (TH)
Length 20m Depth 0m
Grottocenter / carte


From Nan take the road to Chang Klang. 11 km from Nan enter the Tham Pha Tup park. From the parking lot follow the arrowed path that leads to the entrance of the cave. Martin Ellis - 12/09/2020


Martin Ellis - 12/09/2020

A small rift cave that was not surveyed and quickly explored. At the bottom there is a very straight root 5 cm in diameter and the roof is about 5 m high.


Bibliography 12/09/2020
  • CUMMINGS, JOE (1999) "Thailand" 8th edition, Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd, Hawthorn, Victoria ISBN 0-86442-636-4 1032pp DUNKLEY, JOHN ROBERT (1995) "The Caves of Thailand" Speleological Research Council, Sydney ISBN 0-9589253-9-9 JARLAN, PHILIPPE; CARON-JARLAN, VIOLAINE, BELUCHE, ALEXANDRA; BELUCHE, FRANCOIS (2010) "Expedition NANTHAI 2008" SociÚtÚ SpÚlÚologique de l' AriÞge-Pays d'Olmes 55pp


Explored by Jarlan in 2008. Martin Ellis - 12/09/2020

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.1Tham Pha Tup - NA0004500
0.1Tham Pha Sawan [NA0023]200
0.1Tham Chedi Kaew - NA00214315
0.1Tham Biae [NA0022]250
0.1Tham Pha Sawan - NA0005 [Tham Phra]11022
0.2Tham Bo Nam Thip - NA000610050
0.5Tham Song Satang [NA0065]
26.0Ban Wang Tham - NA0009
33.4Tham Phra Charon - NA0016