Holqa Calloo 1

(West Harerghe - ET)
Length 36m Depth 4m
Grottocenter / carte


Brief description

GS Vulcains - 25/12/2019

A small entrance gives access to a fossil gallery which ends after 36 meters. A large colony of bats occupie the cave

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.0Holqa Calloo 2327
0.2Holqa Calloo 3388
4.0Gojel (Goda)28-5
7.3Holqa Awufatan851
7.9Gudda (Holqa)33-15
8.1Gola (Holqa)1503
8.2Kike (Enkuftu)8-5
9.5Ahmed Dawid (Holqa)20
9.7Goda en falaise5220