Mandadeo Temple Cave

(Pipariya Tahsil - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

The Mandadeo Mandir (temple cave) is a true tunnel cave and seasonally active stream cave in sandstone, sacred to Mandadeo / Mahadeo / Shiva (note 1). CAVE DESCRIPTION: An impressive cave entrance represented by an almost square-shaped pothole (10 m to 15 m wide, more than 15 m long and 13 m deep) descends steeply to a ledge halfway down. From here, a sturdy iron ladder leads down to the flat floor which is obviously washed by a considerable flow of water during the rains. In the dry season (November to March), however, there are only a few shallow puddles left in shallow depressions and a few whirlpools. To the left (east) is a sacred cult spot in the shadow (a large trishul / trisul / trident and statue of Mandadeo, venerated by a Nandi and backed by a Ganesh and a Parvati). Straight ahead (south) lures a large wide opening (15 m wide, 4 m high) which leads into a wide upstream passage which unfortunately decreases in height very soon. The solitary main passage (12 m to 20 m wide, 2m high but much collapse filled) continues to the south and is much obliterated by washed in boulders and whole strata fallen from the ceiling. On both sides of the passage, the seasonal stream undercuts the cave wall. There are a few secondary calcite deposits (stalactite and flowstone speleothems). Some 140 m from the entrance, the southern pothole entrance is reached where a few trees rise to the sky. Vertical crags rise for an estimated 15 to 20 m from the somewhat kidney shaped ground plan. In the far back, the upstream leads to a 6 m long rift with impenetrable, sub-vertical cracks. CAVE POTENTIAL: Behind the cult spot in the northern pothole, there is a wide crawl (4 to 5 m wide) which has been followed for 20 m but continues low (0.4 m) across an uninvitingly uneven massive sandstone floor armed with botryoidal formations (calcite?). To the left (north) of the cult spot continues a low continuation to a pool and sump, which is not exactly an inviting diving spot. SITUATION: Onthe northern slopes of the Marodeo / Mandadeo Pahar in the north-east of Pachmarhi town. Compare the approach to Bania Beri.A guide is recommended to find the proper route among the multitude of paths (wooing wends) criss-crossing the local hillocks, groves, rocks, valleys and gorges. According to my GPS reading Mandadeo Templecave lies at a linear distance of 4.75 km on a bearing of 059° from the Jaistambha junction (note 2) at Pachmarhi town.the northern slopes of the Marodeo / Mandadeo Pahar in the north-east of Pachmarhi town. Compare the approach to Bania Beri.A guide is recommended to find the proper route among the multitude of paths (wooing wends) criss-crossing the local hillocks, groves, rocks, valleys and gorges. According to my GPS reading Mandadeo Templecave lies at a linear distance of 4.75 km on a bearing of 059° from the Jaistambha junction (note 2) at Pachmarhi town.


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2001.01.05: H. D. Gebauer and Werner Busch explored and mapped, guided by Kishanlal Chowdhury (Pachmarhi tourist guide). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

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Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.8MARODEO SHELTER 1.1 to 1.4
0.8MARODEO SHELTER 2.2 to 2.4