Nu (Tham) [LO0196]

นาดินดำ (TH)
Length 80m Depth 0m
Grottocenter / carte


From Loei town take the H2138 eastwards towards Na Duang. Turn north onto the H2249 as far as Ban Phia. In the village take the turning to the east next to the wat and follow the road for about 3 km. A turning north leads to the karst hills and ends at the park headquarters. From the Phu Pha Lom Forest Park headquarters a good concrete path leads up to a col and then down into the large collapsed doline behind. The entrance is visible from the path in the Forest Park. Follow the path for 350 m from the viewpoint of the park then turn left into the vegetation for 50 m It is accessed via a 4 m climb (the broken ladder is to be avoided). Martin Ellis - 26/03/2020


Martin Ellis - 26/03/2020

The entrance leads to a small chamber. The passage on the left goes to a dead end and to the right there is a drafting meander which ascends until it becomes too narrow. A rat was seen here.


2015-02-13 John Gosset, Nathalie Witt & Denis Thomas Martin Ellis - 26/03/2020

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.4Tham Pha Lom - LO004935518
0.4Tham Wat Phu Pha Lom [LO0182]100
0.5LO0183 (Resurgence)
0.5Cave LO0184
0.5Tham Pha Lom Ru Rai [LO0195]250
0.6Cave LO0185800
3.2Tham Pha Ya - LO005327032
4.1Tham Pha Dam 2 - LO00795012
4.1Tham Pha Dam 3 - LO0119207