Holqa Chafe

(West Harerghe - ET)
Length 414m Depth 10m
Grottocenter / carte


GS Vulcains - 25/12/2019

The entrance is an active resurgence and the river is followed for 400m to a sump. Initially low the passage is more or less straight and in places 1 - 2 metres wide and up to 5m high until after 320m the ceiling lowers and progress is only possible on hand and knees for 12m after which it becomes easier.

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.5Resurgence (Rising)20
1.3Goda en falaise5220
1.5Suker 2 (Enkuftu)1616
1.9Suker 3 (Enkuftu)
2.0Suker 4 (Enkuftu)94
2.1Suker 5 (Enkuftu)2323
2.2Leenchaa (Goda)7-2
2.3Suker 1 (Enkuftu)1010
2.4Ahmed Dawid (Holqa)20