Tham Sung - LO0138

Length 38m Depth 7m
Grottocenter / carte


Drive south from Wat Tham Bodhisattva and this well maintained temple is on the right. Tham Pha Nang Khoi is up some steps and ladders at the southern end of the temple grounds. Martin Ellis - 21/03/2020


Martin Ellis - 21/03/2020

The cave consists of a rift with a cliff entrance at each end. The southern main entrance is concreted and used by monks and a 5m ladder gives access to the northern entrance.


Martin Ellis - 21/03/2020

SMCC February 2014 - Grade UISv2 6-3-F Ellis, Martin (2018)


Martin Ellis - 21/03/2020

Leopoldamys edwardsi (Thomas, 1882) (Chordata: Mammalia: Rodentia: Muridae) (Latinne et al. 2013) Leopaldamys neilli (Marshall, 1976) (Chordata, Mammalia, Rodentia, Muridae) (Latinne et al. 2013) Maxomys surifer (Miller, 1900) (Chordata: Mammalia: Rodentia: Muridae) (Latinne et al. 2013) Nivienter fulvescens (Gray, 1847) (Chordata: Mammalia: Rodentia: Muridae) (Latinne et al. 2013)


Bibliography 21/03/2020


2014-02-07 (M. Ellis, P. Collett) Martin Ellis - 21/03/2020

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.1Cave LO019220
0.1Tham Soong [LO0191]300
0.4Cave LO01931300
0.5Nam Pu (Tham) [LO0149]69321
0.6Tham Bohisattva Shrine Cave - LO01361750
0.6Cave LO0137 - LO0137200
0.8LO0170 (Cave) 200
0.9Tham Bodhisattva - LO00161000
4.4Namtok Piyang Din Resurgence - LO0109