Biyoo 1 (Enkuftu)

(West Harerghe - ET)
Length 63m Depth 40m
Grottocenter / carte


GS Vulcains - 25/12/2019

Descend the 3m climb into a large open shaft by hand line and then over boulders to a 7m pitch which lands in a large flat floored high chamber. The way on is a low crawl to enter a 4m long chamber blocked by calcite formations. A hole through loose blocks enters a free hanging 18m pitch to a well decorated 13m diameter chamber which leads to a 5m circular shaft which was not explored due to bad air.

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.2Biyoo 2 (Enkuftu)116
0.3Mate 2 (Enkuftu)
0.8Mate 3 (Enkuftu)55-37
1.1Mate 1 (Enkuftu)34-6
1.7Wene (Enkuftu)
3.1Diblo (Enkuftu)90-80
3.4Hafursa (Enkuftu)71-35
4.4Dhabaa 1 (Enkuftu)012
4.4Dhabaa 2 (Enkuftu)80-44