A relatively low arch of unspecified dimensions faces an unidentified direction and gives access to the initial parts of a cave which once has been both poetically and charmingly characterised as active streamway trending into the hillside (Pettiglio, D 2010.02.14 Mss: Krem Scan). ETYMOLOGY: No autochthonous, indigenous or locally known cave name has been identified for cave which Derek 'Dippie- a.k.a. D.P. Pettiglio christened in honour of an unidentified scan (or so) but then distorted into a partly alienated bastard christened Krem Scan as if -krem- were an English word or -scan- a Synteng Khasi (Pnar) word (note 1). SITUATION: Unknown. Pettiglio, D (2010.02.14 Mss: Krem Scan) understood that the low arched cave entrance to the Scan Cave lies not only at an unidentified location but also in an identified spatial relation to each and every of the nearby cave entrances. POSITION 2010: WGS84 (±7 m) N25°25°38.9”: E092°35'04.8”: 725 m (Pettiglio, D 2010.02.14 Mss: Krem Scan) or abou 250 m in a direct line due south-west from the 2010 campsite (note 2). POSITION 2012a: WGS84 (±7 m) N25°25°38.9”: E092°35'04.8”: 725 m (Arbenz, T 2012.07.20 undated Meghalaya cave record ”Krem Scan” in: XSObjectsPala.doc after D.Pettiglio 14.2.2010 GPS Garmin Etrex). POSITION 2012b: WGS84 (±7 m) N25°26°17.1”: E 92°35':29.2”: 839 m (ARBENZ, T 2012: 239 after 14.2.2010 D.Pettiglio in the sense of Pettiglio, D 2010.02.14) or about 1.3 km in a direct line approximately north-east from the camp 2010 (Arbenz, T 2010.03.31 cave distribution map: Pala_Ridge_4-10.pdf). POSITION 2013: WGS84 near (±30 m) N25°38': E092°35'05” (Arbenz, T 2013.03.16 dated -30th April 2012- cave distribution map Pala relief13 2.pdf grid square Kseh 11.405). APPROACH: Pettiglio, D (2010.02.14 Mss: Krem Scan) advises to reach the entrance to the Scan Cave by mastering not only the negotiation of an unspecified distance of 350 m in an unidentified direction from [the] 2010 campsite but also 20 m in an unidentiied direction into the jungle from the camp. On top of that, Pettiglio, D (2010.02.14 Mss: Krem Scan) draws the attention of the caving world to having observed an unspecified path of sorts, which connects not only one unidentified place with an other unidentified place but also leads for an identified distance in an unidentified direction and, eentually runs somewhere with an unidentified spatial relation close to the entrance or so. Years later, Thomas Arbenz commands to take a footpath from the 2010 Camp near Umkyrpong over a concrete dam and head straight on (East) to reach the base of a hill. Turn towards SW and follow a path for about 300 m. The cave is close to the path, 20 metres into the jungle (Arbenz, T 2013.11.03 Mss: Krem Shken* / Krem Scan * 14.2.2010). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2010: The relatively low arch active streamway [in which upstream crawlers find themselves] trending into the hillside features an 0.5 m - 1 m airspace opening up and on going (Pettiglio, D 2010.02.14 Mss Krem Scan). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2012a: Low arch with active stream way [in which upstream crawlers find themselves] trending into the hillside. 0.5 m to 1 m airspace opening up and ongoing. T junction after 20 m – low and tree roots both ways. No draught, minimal chances (Arbenz, T 2012.07.20 undated Minor Caves record ”Krem Scan” in: XSObjectsPala.doc). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2012b: Low arch with active streamway trending into the hillside. 0.5 m to 1 m airspace opening up and ongoing. T-junction after 20 m low tree roots both ways [note 3] (ARBENZ, T 2012: 239). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2013: Low arched entranced 1m x 1.5m facing West. Active stream, 0.5 to 1m air space but opening up and ongoing. T- junction 20m into the cave (Arbenz, T 2013.11.03 Mss: Krem Shken* / Krem Scan * 14.2.2010). CAVE POTENTIAL 2010: Opening up an on going (Pettiglio, D 2010.02.14 Mss: Krem Scan). CAVE POTENTIAL 2012: At a first glance unispiring and hence surmised to offer minimal chances (Arbenz, T 2012.07.20 undated Mnor Caves record ”Krem Scan” in: XSObjectsPala.doc; ARBENZ, T 2012: 239). CAVE POTENTIAL 2013: The way-on at the T-Junction is low and both directions are packed with tree roots making progress difficult. No Draught. Outlook poor (Arbenz, T 2013.11.03 Mss: Krem Shken* / Krem Scan * 14.2.2010). CAVE CLIMATE 2010 (perhaps that of Krem Lakham Brooks 2010 = Krem Lum Lakham Arbenz, T 2012): No draught, minimal chances [to keep socks dry] (Arbenz, T 2012.07.20 undated Minor Caves record ”Krem Scan” in: XSObjectsPala.doc; ARBENZ, T 2012: 239). CAVE CLIMATE 2013: Within three and a half year's of uninterrupted neglect, it was surmised on 3rd November 2013 that there had been on 14th February 2010 the rather fictive presence of No Draught (Arbenz, T 2013.11.03 Mss: Krem Shken* / Krem Scan * 14.2.2010). Krem Scan). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2012a: Low arch with active stream way [in which upstream crawlers find themselves] trending into the hillside. 0.5 m to 1 m airspace opening up and ongoing. T junction after 20 m – low and tree roots both ways. No draught, minimal chances (Arbenz, T 2012.07.20 undated Minor Caves record ”Krem Scan” in: XSObjectsPala.doc). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2012b: Low arch with active streamway trending into the hillside. 0.5 m to 1 m airspace opening up and ongoing. T-junction after 20 m low tree roots both ways [note 3] (ARBENZ, T 2012: 239). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2013: Low arched entranced 1m x 1.5m facing West. Active stream, 0.5 to 1m air space but opening up and ongoing. T- junction 20m into the cave (Arbenz, T 2013.11.03 Mss: Krem Shken* / Krem Scan * 14.2.2010). CAVE POTENTIAL 2010: Opening up an on going (Pettiglio, D 2010.02.14 Mss: Krem Scan). CAVE POTENTIAL 2012: At a first glance unispiring and hence surmised to offer minimal chances (Arbenz, T 2012.07.20 undated Mnor Caves record ”Krem Scan” in: XSObjectsPala.doc; ARBENZ, T 2012: 239). CAVE POTENTIAL 2013: The way-on at the T-Junction is low and both directions are packed with tree roots making progress difficult. No Draught. Outlook poor (Arbenz, T 2013.11.03 Mss: Krem Shken* / Krem Scan * 14.2.2010). CAVE CLIMATE 2010 (perhaps that of Krem Lakham Brooks 2010 = Krem Lum Lakham Arbenz, T 2012): No draught, minimal chances [to keep socks dry] (Arbenz, T 2012.07.20 undated Minor Caves record ”Krem Scan” in: XSObjectsPala.doc; ARBENZ, T 2012: 239). CAVE CLIMATE 2013: Within three and a half year's of uninterrupted neglect, it was surmised on 3rd November 2013 that there had been on 14th February 2010 the rather fictive presence of No Draught (Arbenz, T 2013.11.03 Mss: Krem Shken* / Krem Scan * 14.2.2010).
Bibliography 06/01/2018History
EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2010.02.14: Derek Pettiglio (2010.02.14 Mss: Krem Scan) reports to have read and recorded the GPS position but Anonymous et al. (2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc: 14th February) narrate how Derek 'Dippie' a.k.a. DP Pettiglio enjoyed on 14th February reconnoitering selected parts of the land surface in the vicinity of Krem Khang Masi.
Caves nearby
Distance (km) | Name | Length (m) | Depth (m) |
0.1 | KHUNG, Umkyrpong (Krem) | ||
0.2 | SALANG 3b (Krem) | ||
0.2 | SALANG 2 (Rockcliff 2009) (Krem) | ||
0.2 | SALANG 3a (Krem) | ||
0.2 | Salang Spring Cave | ||
0.3 | FIFTH TIME LUCKY CAVE, 1st (aa -) | ||
0.3 | FIFTH TIME LUCKY CAVE, 3rd (aa -) | ||
0.3 | FIFTH TIME LUCKY CAVE, 2nd (aa -) | ||
0.3 | WAH MYNTNGAM (Krem) |