AA Cave (Jarratt 2000.02.22)

(Khliehriat - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


POSITION: Unknown (Jarratt, A R 2000.02.22 Mss: Krem Malo; Jarratt, A R 2001.10.29 personal correspondence) and probably near (±250 m) 25°11'02”N: 92°22'03” (). SITUATION: Unknown. There is a deep doline (needing a rope) with unexplored cave in te bottom, in the jungle somewhere above the end of Umso [note 1]. It is very near the open Yorkshire Pot entrance [note 2] to Krem Matom [note 3] and may correspond to one of the spider ridden, boulder choked avens in the final section of Umso streamway. There is a village (probably temporary) of immigrant (Bihari?) coal miners nearby [note 4]who guided us to this doline. Probably best reached via Krem Malo track and Umso village (Jarratt, A R 2001.10.29 personal correspondence). APPROACH 2000: To find a local guide is fairly essential because to find the dolines, a local guide is fairly essential (Jarratt, A R 2000.02.22 Mss: Krem Malo). APPROACH 2001: Probably best reached via Krem Malo track and Umso village (Jarratt, A R 2001.10.29 personal correspondence). BTH - 06/07/2024


Various descriptions

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A relatively large doline (Jarratt, Anthony -Tony- R 2000.02.22 Mss: Krem Malo) or comparatively deep doline (needing a rope) (Jarratt, A R 2001.10.29 personal correspondence) consists of a closed depression (unidentified shape, unidentified peculiar characteristics, unidentified dimensions), which seems to have formed in Lakadong Sandstone (with what had been in February 1991 abandoned coal workings), appears not only to penetrate into the underlying Lakadong Limestone but also seems to give access to a unexplored cave entrance. ETYMOLOGY: Doline near Malo / Umso: I suggest it is left un-named as it may relate to either (or neither) cave (Jarratt, A R 2001.11.12 personal correspondence). IDENTITY: Unknown. Compare: Krem –>Shynrang Thloo. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2000: The open rift at the limestone - sandstone contact lies at bottom of large doline that is marked by small abandoned coal workings above and needs a rope to descend down slippery sandstone boulders (Jarrat, A R 2000.02.22 Mss: Krem Malo). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2001: There is a deep doline (needing a rope) with unexplored cave in the bottom (Jarratt, A R 2001.10.29 personal correspondence). CAVE POTENTIAL -- prospects: This rift may (?) connect with the bottom choke in Krem Umso (Mutang) [note 5] and needs a rope or ladder to tackle (Jarratt, A R 2000.02.22 Mss: Krem Malo). A connection with the southernmost cave passages of Krem –>Umso, Thangskai (±150 m 25°11'25”N: 92°22'15”E) is more likely., A R 2000.02.22 Mss: Krem Malo).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.1Yorkshire Pot
0.1PATI (Synrang)
0.1UMJRI, Lumshnong (Krem)
0.1WAH U LOH (Krem)
0.2TOM CAVE, including Yorkshire Pot
0.2SHYNRANG THLOO, 1st (Krem)
0.4DNGIEM, Mutang (Krem)
0.4MUTANG (Cave near)
0.4UMKWU (Krem)