A sacred but otherwise unspecified »Niamraja's Cave« (SCHNEPEL 1993), which may consist of a natural sacred cave (temple cave) or of a rock-cut chamber used for religious purposes (man-made cave temple), has been described as a site where Durga rites (note 1) are performed (note 2). IDENTITY: Niamraja's Cave (SCHNEPEL 1993) may be identical --but this is mere guesswork-- with the –>Devagiri Cave (Kalyasinghpur) about 25 km or 30 km in a direct line east of Bissamcuttack (N19°31': E083°31'). SITUATION: At an unspecified location somewhere in the vicinity of Bissamcuttack (N19°31': E083°31').
NOTE 1: Durga, literally 'inaccessible', is »a form of Shiva's wife, Devi, a beautiful, fierce women riding a tiger; a major goddess of the Shakti sect« (LONELY PLANET, India 2005 glossary: 1107). Durga is the terrible, frightening aspect of the mother goddess Kali (DEVI MAHATMYA, circa 550, chapter 11; KINSLEY 1986 edited 1987: 99, 107; SOMADEVA circa 1100; VAKPATIRAJA, ca. 700: Gaudavaho, Verses 285-337), the untamed and unmarried version of Devi, (The) Goddess, the supreme goddess manifested (VINDHYA MAHATMYA, s.a., circa 1810?; HUMES 1990, 1993, 1995, 1996 edited 1998). NOTE 2: Manfred Moser (Regensburg, 1998 personal correspondence) forwarded the reference to SCHNEPEL (1993).
Bibliography 28/04/2016- Schnepel, Burkhard 1993.
Caves nearby
Distance (km) | Name | Length (m) | Depth (m) |
40.3 | DEVAGIRI, Kalyasinghpur (Cave on the) | ||
140.8 | MOHURI KALUA CAVE | ||
184.4 | SHAILODBHAVA (Cave of) | ||
186.3 | CHANDRAPIDA (Cave of) | ||
229.5 | Panduranga Subterranean Passage | ||
280.5 | Pandava Cave, Khordha | ||
300.0 | GANESH GUMPHA, Khandgiri - Udayagiri | ||
300.0 | HATHIGUMPHA, Khandgiri - Udayagiri (Chota) |