Radhe Radhe Cave

Pokhara (कास्की - NP)
Grottocenter / carte


SITUATION 2006: At an unspecified location somewhere in Pokhara sub-metropolitan city and not only by the Seti River about 100 m vertically below a gravel road but also on public ground (PHUYAL & DHOUBADEL 2006: 34). SITUATION 2008: Radhe radhe Cave, Pokhara 15, Latitude 28°8'30”, Longitude 83°5'54”CAVE DESCRIPTION 2005: Not seen: PHUYAL, Sujas Prasad (2005). POSITION 2005: The obviously erroneous GPS position Latitude 28°8'30”, Longitude 83°5'54” (unspecified map datum, unidentified precision error) for Radhe radhe Cave (ADHIKARI, Hari 2008: 45 table, item 4, after one Sujas 2005 instead after PHUYAL, Sujas Prasad 2005) indicates a spot that lies 86 km in a direct line approximately west from Pokhara Mahendrapool (N28°13'15”: E083°59'30” WGS84). BTH - 18/08/2024


Various information

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

An unspecified cave entrance (unidentified shape, unidentified dimensions, unidentified orientation, unidentified characteristics) is said to rather prevent than give access to a so-called cave roost in the sense of a day roost of bats inside a cave. ETYMOLOGY: No translation of Radhe radhe Cave (ADHIKARI, Hari 2008: 45 table) or Radhe Radhe Cave (PHUYAL & DHOUBADEL 2006: 34) seems to have been forwarded (note 1). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2006: Inaccessible cave roost (PHUYAL & DHOUBADEL 2006: 35 table, item 5). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2008: Inaccessible cave roost (ADHIKARI, Hari 2008: 45 table, item 4, after Sujas 2005 instead PHUYAL, Sujs Prasad 2005). CULTURAL HISTORY: Buddha Cave and Radhe Radhe Cave located in Pokhara sub-metropolitan city enjoy the safety of inaccessibility (PHUYAL & DHOUBADEL 2006: 34). CULTURAL HISTORY - human use: Both Buddha Cave and Radhe Radhe Cave … enjoy the safety of inaccessibility but especially Radhe Radhe Cave is not a well known cave because only religious people, believed to have obtained extra power from god [note 2], have entered this cave (PHUYAL & DHOUBADEL 2006: 34).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.6Sita Cave, Lekhnath
1.0Birendra Cave, Bhalam
1.0PUTALI CAVE, Bhalam
1.5CHAMERE ODAR, Batulechaur
1.7CHAMERE GUFA, Batulechaur
3.1CRAZY CAVE, Armala