A north-west facing, about 15 m wide rock shelter with two recesses (both about 5 m wide, 2.5 m high, 4 m long) at both ends (SARASIN 1939), represents one of the –>Galge Caves (Kimegala) in karstified gneiss (note 1). ETYMOLOGY: Compare –>Galge Caves (Kimegala). Dagaba Caves (nima.mil/geonames accessed 16.11.2003); Gallegay Caverns (DAVY 1821: 419); Gallegé Caverns (PRIDHAM 1849, 2: 578); Galge (Survey Department 1977: Sri Lanka Road Mapp); Höhle von Katagaram (SARASIN & SARASIN 1908: 1-15; SARASIN 1939: 157-158); Kimègalle (DAVY 1821: 419; PRIDHAM 1849, 2: 578). SITUATION: SARASIN (1931: 43) places Dagaba Galge three hours north of Katragam and SARASIN (1939: 157-158) about 15 km north of Kataragam. CAVE DESCRIPTION 1821: DAVY (1821: 419) observed, pilfered by PRIDHAM (1849, 2: 578), several capacious caverns in the side of an immense mass of rock, which, by some, is called Gallegay (map: Gallegé = rock house) from several capacious caverns which afford good shelter to the traveller and by others Kimègalle (water rock) from two deep cavities in its summit. These are natural reservoirs that are never without water, an element that is often extremely scarce in this desert, and hardly anywhere else to be found. CAVE DESCRIPTION 1896 ±4: SARASIN (1939: 157-158): Der gesuchte Höhlenfels war ein 30 bis 40 m hoher, aus Gneiss bestehender, länglicher, isolierter Rücken, auf dessen Oberfläche durch Verwitterung mehere beckenförmige Vertiefungen entstanden waren, gefüllt mit Regenwasser, willkommene Reservoire für Durchreisende und belebt von vielem Kleingetier … An der Nordwestseite des Felsrückens fand sich ein zirka 15 m langer Abri, vermutlich durch Auswitterung weicher Schichtenteile entstanden. An beiden Enden bildete er bis zirka 4 m tiefe, 5 m breite und 2 1/2 m hohe Rezesse, verbunden durch ein weit weniger weit überhangendes Mittelstück. CAVE DESCRIPTION 1980: Brooks (1995 Mss: no. 7: Galge Caves) after DERANIYAGALA (1980: 155): A group of small caves or rock shlters. CULTURAL HISTORY - archaeology: The site was excavated by the Sarasin brothers in the late 19th century. SARASIN & SARASIN (1908: 1-15) have dug a trial ditch in Kataragam shelter. SARASIN (1931: 43) reports archaeological findings in three, up to 1.5 m deep trial trenches. According to DERANIYAGALAS.U. (1980: 155), this to be the second site archaeologically excavated in Sri Lanka.lters. CULTURAL HISTORY - archaeology: The site was excavated by the Sarasin brothers in the late 19th century. SARASIN & SARASIN (1908: 1-15) have dug a trial ditch in Kataragam shelter. SARASIN (1931: 43) reports archaeological findings in three, up to 1.5 m deep trial trenches. According to DERANIYAGALAS.U. (1980: 155), this to be the second site archaeologically excavated in Sri Lanka.
Bibliography 06/01/2018History
Caves nearby
Distance (km) | Name | Length (m) | Depth (m) |
13.3 | Habessa Rock Cave | ||
14.8 | ALU LENA, Okkampitiya | ||
15.9 | Lunuatugalge | ||
18.5 | DIULANAGODA CAVE 1 | ||
18.5 | DIULANAGODA CAVE 2 | ||
20.7 | Ravan Tank Cavity | ||