PYRDA, Chiehruphi, 3rd (Krem)

(Khliehriat - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 07/05/2016

A relatively low but 20 m or 30 m wide cave entrance, at places obscured and obliterated by collapse debris, gives access to a generally shallow undercut (crescent shaped in ground plan) at the base of a semicircular, north facing cliff at the head of a valley.A small stream of water rises in the western corner of the undercut, flows all the way along it and disappears in the eastern end in a confusion of rounded boulders and angular breakdown stuffed with decomposing organic matter (flood debris, drift wood, etc.). The cave stream is probably fed by a catchment area in the approximate east and suspected to take underground conduits towards the so-called Krem –>Pyrda (Chiehruphi), which was in 1997 and 1998 accessible via a coalmine pit about 150 m due north.SITUATION: At the head of the dead valley, which was marked in February 1998 with a stunningly picturesque, hollow columnar strangler fig (in Khasi: Dieng Jri, botanicaly Ficus constrictor), the base of the semicircular cliff is eaten away by a sinking stream.


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1998.02.27: Gebauer, H D (book), Brooks Simon J and Gurjinder Singh briefly explored and hurriedly sketched (grade 2b) an expeditious cave plan. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 07/05/2016

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.1PYRDA (Lindenmayr) 6th (Cave at)
0.1PYRDA (Lindenmayr) 5th (Cave at)
0.2PYRDA, Chiehruphi (Krem)
0.2PYRDA (Scherzer) 1st (Cave at)
0.2PYRDA MINE PIT (2015.01.07 Scherzer)
0.2PYRDA, Chiehruphi, 2nd (Krem)
0.2PYRDA (Lindenmayr) 4th (Cave at)
0.2PYRDA (Lindenmayr) 7th (Cave at)
0.2PYRDA (Scherzer) 2nd (Cave at)