(Mandi tehsil - IN)
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Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 24/03/2016

A popular sacred »rock shelter« (or a true cave used as a shelter?) modified into a temple cave called Budha Amarnath (old [mate's] Amarnath) and dedicated to Shiva, reports GANHAR (s.a. = circa 1973: 44-45) from Rajpura Mandi (i.e. market of the king's town), a spot about 100 m above the Loren stream and about 2 km (south?) of Mandi, a village in »Poonch« (Ponch, also: Poonj, Punch, Punj) district: »The temple itself lies at the head of a massive chakmak rock [note 1] … The sacred image is in fact a part of this white rock [note 2]. There is a spring near the shrine … held in high esteem by Hindus and Muslims alike.« CULTURAL HISTORY: Loren Maharani Chandrika (note 3) is said to have "opened" this sacred site —read: discovered; literally: established as a visitable site by subduing resident demons.

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 24/03/2016

NOTE 1: What is "chakmak"? Calcareous tufa? Travertine?NOTE 2: The accompanying illustration 21, a poor photography in cheap print, shows an irregular lump of rock, perhaps one to two metres in diameter and encircled by a low wall and resting in room with a window, of which the lower part is rectangular. NOTE 3: The connection with Maharani Chandrika (Great Queen Moon Mother) makes this cult spot suspected to echo that it once was dedicated to a local (tribal, tutelary) mother goddess and later taken over by men venerating the Hindu "lingam" (the male chauvinist principle). The sacred image may consist of a stalagmite (speleothem) —but this is mere guesswork and needs to be checked.


Bibliography 24/03/2016
  • Ganhar, J N, s.a. = circa 1973.

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
8.2SHAHPUR CAVERNS (Caverns around)
29.6Pir Panjal Pass (Cave on)
32.8Nilanag Spring
37.9AA (PERRIN 2009) PA 34
38.4AA (PERRIN 2009) PA 33
38.5Aa (Perrin 2009) [PA 35]
48.0BEERWA, Badgam (Cave at)