Tower Sink 1 - KA0388

Grottocenter / carte


One of a series of sinks along an intermittently active valley near the southern end of the Khao Bo Ngam Plateau. The streamway starts to the west of a prominent tower (47P 593900 1634600) and then swings around to the southern side of the tower and heads east towards the Huai Kli Ti. Martin Ellis - 17/09/2019


Martin Ellis - 17/09/2019

The sink is a 30cm diameter tube at the base of a small funnel shaped depression on the western side of the vehicle track.


Bibliography 17/09/2019
  • BRUSH, JOHN B. (ED.) (1996) "Khlong Ngu Karst Expedition April 1996. A Report Prepared for the National Parks Division, Royal Forest Department, Thailand" Canberra Speleological Society Inc. iv + 67pp DUNKLEY, JOHN ROBERT (1997) "The Caves of Thailand - Addendum 1995-97" Speleological Research Council, Sydney

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.2Tower Sink 3 - KA0390
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0.9Tham Wang Men - KA0377400
2.8Tower Sink 2 - KA03891212
3.5Tham Pra Tu Su Pa Bon - KA0376500
3.5Tham Pra Tu Su Pa Lang - KA0374520
3.5Tham Pra Tu Su Pa Klang - KA03751050
4.0Tham Sao Hin - KA017811300
4.3Tham Mor - KA0412