AA CAVE, Lumshnong 3 (Lindenmayr)

(Khliehriat - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

An inconspicuous cave entrance, obscured by vegetation and revealed in the course of cutting a road, gives access to a rift cave passage with majestically fluted walls. Some aspects are shown on the photographs cave3_1.JPG through to cave3_8.JPG uploaded by Lindenmayr F on his website. SITUATION: Unknown (Lindenmayr, F 2015 s.a. Mss JUD) and in an unspecified setting at an unidentified location somewhere in the vicinity of the village of Wahiajer (25°11'40”N: 92°22'50”E) and the JUD Cements Ltd. (25°11'37”N: 92°22'48.5”E). SITUATION: Unknown (Lindenmayr, F 2015 s.a. Mss JUD) and in an unspecified setting at an unidentified location somewhere in the vicinity of the village of Wahiajer (25°11'40”N: 92°22'50”E) and the JUD Cements Ltd. (25°11'37”N: 92°22'48.5”E). CAVE POTENTIAL: Unknown. Compare –>AA Cave, Lumshnong 1 (Lindenmayr).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2015.01: Unknown (Lindenmayr, F 2015 s.a. Mss JUD). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.0AA CAVE, Lumshnong 1 (Lindenmayr)
0.0AA CAVE, Lumshnong 2 (Lindenmayr)
0.0AA CAVE, Lumshnong 6 (Lindenmayr)
0.3Khlieh Umso, Thangskai (Krem)
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