Zlum rTse Phug

(Loong-nyi Gewog - BT)
Grottocenter / carte


NOTE 1: »Zlum-rste lha-khang« (LAUF 1972b: 90) or »Lumtse Lakhang« is neither shown on AMS sheet NG45-04 Phari Dzong (U502 series, 1963 edition) nor on the India Road Atlas (Eicher Goodearth 2006: 27 F3). NOTE 2: Paro is indicated as »Rinpung Dzong (Paro)« on the India Road Atlas (Eicher Goodearth 2006: 27 F3) and as »Paro Dzong« near N27°25': E089°25' on AMS sheet NG45-04 Phari Dzong (U502 series, 1963 edition). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 09/02/2016

An unspecified, relatively small »cave« is said to exist (LAUF 1972b: 90) beneath an inconspicuous shrine of the Dakini Vajravarahi, which has been erected in the back of the monastery »Zlum-rste lha-khang« (note 1). IDENTITY: The Vajravarahi cave at the Lumtse Lakhang (zLum-rste Lka-khang) might be identical with –>Chumo Phug, sPa gro. SITUATION: North of Paro town (note 2) a bridge across the To Chhu, a tributary to Paro river (sPa gro Chhu), leads to the range of Tak Tsang (sTag-tshan), which rises from the plain at the confluence (chhu 'joms). On the first scarp stands the monastery. CULTURAL HISTORY - religious folklore: A nine headed turtle, which represents a mischievious and sickening demon, lives in this cave but is currently banned by magic (LAUF 1972b: 90). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 09/02/2016


Bibliography 09/02/2016

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
1.8PHUG GCAL, sPa gro
13.7Tom Phiong Subterranean Lake
24.8Dechen Phug, Tashi Cho Dzong
31.1Tango Diglam
36.6Gangyul (Cave at)
47.8Wangdü Phodrang Dzong Cave
80.1PAREP CAVE (Cave of)