Cave CR0099

漾濞县 (漾濞彝族自治县 - CN)
Length 35m Depth 4m
Grottocenter / carte


Drive down valley from Pha Hi Coffee House (47 Q 586148 2250561) by car and park (47 Q 586221 2250003) then follow obvious track down the right hand side of the valley to a small building. Approx. 30 m beyond this in a limestone outcrop is the cave Martin Ellis - 10/08/2019


Martin Ellis - 10/08/2019

An open rift trending southeast-northwest about 6 m by 3 m. An awkward free climb down of 4 m to gain floor of leaves and mud, with the rift passage heading approx 225deg for about 30 m with inclination approx -30 deg to where the passage splits to become too tight without digging. Almost certainly a slip rift cave.


2019-04-12 V. Unsworth, R. Harper, H. Harper, guides Martin Ellis - 10/08/2019

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