Batze Cave

(Hurungwe - ZW)
Length 1037m
Grottocenter / carte


Location: Hurongwe District Co-ordinates: E 029°11'1', S 17°10'2°. BTH - 08/07/2024


General description

Michael Laumanns - 29/11/2015

Surveyed by the SASA 94 expedition. Has several entrances and a large bat colony. The 46 metres deep cave has distinctive levels. Described in Truluck (1994b, 2005). Length, depth and profile according to Truluck (2005).

Caves nearby

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9.1Bashungwe Cave457
9.3Magweto Caverns691
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873.0Membo Cave730
1421.6Maji-Maji Cave259
1423.0Ngunde Cave681
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