LYMOH, lower: Pothole 12 m (Krem)

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

The estimated 3 m (NW-SW) by 5 m (NE-SW) wide vertical cave entrance (note 1) was considered not noteworthy (Arbenz, T 2011.04.10 dated -17.2.2010- updated -24thFeb.2011- Mss: Krem Lymmoh-Porcupine_Rec.doc) and represents the topmost of the four known cave entrances to the lower Krem Lymoh (see: Krem –Ymoh, lower) or, if you prefer, Krem Lymmoh (Audsley, A U 2010.02.17 Mss: Krem Lymmoh) or Krem Lymmoh / Porcupine Cave (Arbenz, T 2011.04.10 Mss: Krem Lymmoh-Porcupine_Rec.doc) and Porcupine Cave (aka Krem Lymmoh) (anonymous Arbenz, T et al. 2011.03.27 undated Mss: 2011 Diary.doc: Sunday 20th Feb 2011). ETYMOLOGY: No autochthonous, indigenous or locally known name has been identified for what once had been seen from a passing personal point of view as an aven … to daylight (anonymous Arbenz, T et al. 2011.03.27 undated Mss: 2011 Diary.doc: Sunday 20th Feb 2011). SITUATION: At an unidentified location with an unspecified GPS position (Arbenz, T 2011.04.10 Mss: Krem and at a spot that lies about 5 km in a direct line approximately south-east from the village of Kseh (St. Joseph church near WGS84 N25°25'24.0”: E092°35'32.9”: 880 m asl). Here, the cave entrance lies in an unidentified setting above the Lymoh gorge (N25°24'48”: E092°36'23” WGS84), a tributary, seasonal watercourse from the south-west to the orographically left bank of the Kopili River (26°15'N: 92°10'E). CAVE DESCRIPTION: Having travelled all the way underground from the doline representing the convenient cave entrance to the lower Krem Lymoh for some distance south-west (upstream), it is possible to find … a cave chamber, which is strewn with breakdown boulders from where a relatively short crawling bit [of unidentified length] following the main SW-drag of the cave [note 1] leads to an open 12 m-aven … The aven can be free-climbed to pop up into a jungle (anonymous Arbenz, T et al. 2011.03.27 undated Mss: 2011 Diary.doc: Sunday 20th Feb 2011).) and at a spot that lies about 5 km in a direct line approximately south-east from the village of Kseh (St. Joseph church near WGS84 N25°25'24.0”: E092°35'32.9”: 880 m asl). Here, the cave entrance lies in an unidentified setting above the Lymoh gorge (N25°24'48”: E092°36'23” WGS84), a tributary, seasonal watercourse from the south-west to the orographically left bank of the Kopili River (26°15'N: 92°10'E). CAVE DESCRIPTION: Having travelled all the way underground from the doline representing the convenient cave entrance to the lower Krem Lymoh for some distance south-west (upstream), it is possible to find … a cave chamber, which is strewn with breakdown boulders from where a relatively short crawling bit [of unidentified length] following the main SW-drag of the cave [note 1] leads to an open 12 m-aven … The aven can be free-climbed to pop up into a jungle (anonymous Arbenz, T et al. 2011.03.27 undated Mss: 2011 Diary.doc: Sunday 20th Feb 2011).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2011.02.20: Thomas Arbenz, Peter Ludwig and David Cooke … continued the survey of Porcupine Cave (aka Krem Lymmoh) from stn.1/8 where it was left in February 2010 … This eventually led to an aven and to daylight (anonymous Arbenz, T et al. 2011.03.27 undated Mss: 2011 Diary.doc: Sunday 20th Feb 2011). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.1LYMOH, lower: Open Crack
0.2Lymoh, lower: Doline (Krem)
0.2LYMOH, lower: Inlet
0.3MOOLIER, Lymoh, 1st (Krem)
0.3MOOLIER, Lymoh, 2nd (Krem)
0.4LYMOH, upper (Krem)
0.6YAJE (Krem)