AM LYNTI, Am War (Krem)

(Amlarem - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

An unspecified cave entrance (unidentified shape, unidentified dimensions, unidentified orientation, unidentified characteristics) is said to give access to a low level maze (anonymous Brooks, S J et al. 2014.04.05 Mss: Diary Meghalaya 2014 Second Edit: 10th February, Monday) which was exaggerated to a degree resulting in a complex maze of interconnecting passages (Arbenz, T 2014.12.25 Mss: Simon Brooky, Richa Iain 2014.02.10 Krem Am Lynti.doc where -Brooky- is Brooks, Simon J and -Iain- is Jain, R). ETYMOLOGY: No autochthonous, indigenous or locally known name has been identified for this cave called after the unspecified watercourse with an unidentified name. The Amwi Khasi noun -am- is the same as the standard Khasi -um- and signifies a [stream of] water whilst -lynti- is the Khasi word for a path, route, etc. (note 1). Somebody cared to corrupt the cave name Krem Am Lynti into Krem Am Lynthi (anonymous Brooks, S J et al. 2014.04.05 Mss: Diary Meghalaya 2014 Second Edit: 16th Februry, Sunday). SETTING: The GPS position WGS84 (±7 m) N25°10'09.6”: E092°12'44.3”: 357 m asl (Brooks S J 2014.02.10 GPS Garmin 12) or 373 m asl recorded for the cave entrance to Krem Am Lynti (Arbenz, T 2014.12.25 Mss: Simon Brooky, Richa Iain 2014.02.10 Krem Am Lynti.doc) indicates a spot on the interfluve between the Myntu (Hari River) in the east and the Um Ryngka in the west and about 300 m high up above the orographically right (locally western) bank of the Myntu (hdg 2014.12.27). SITUATION 2014.01.11: Just outside of Thangsah [note 2] (Kharpran Daly, B D 2014.01.11 Mss), a village that lies at a walking distance of one and a half hours from Kharkhana (representational approximation ±1 km N25°09'30”: E092°12'50” WGS84) steeply uphill along a path. SITUATION 2014.04.05: At an estimated linear distance of 30 m in an unidentified direction (note 3) from the cave entrance to Krem Am Linthy (sic!) or, more likely, Krem –>Am Lynti (anonymous Brooks, S J et al. 2014.04.05 Mss: Diay Meghalaya 2014 Second Edit: 16th February, Sunday). SITUATION 2014.12.25: The cave [entrance] lies in forest 300 m on bearing of 251° from [an unspecified spot in] Thangsah vallage [sic!] (Arbenz, T 2014.12.25 Mss: Simon Brooky, Richa Iain 2014.02.10 Krem Am Lynti.doc). SITUATION 2014.12.28: The GPS position recorded for the cave entrance to Krem Am Lynti indicates a spot which lies only 63.4 m in a direct line NNW from the GPS position recoded for the cave entrance to Krem –>Am War (Gebauer H D 2014.12.28). SITUATION 2015.01.02: The cave entrance to Krem Am Lynti lies at an unidentified distance (either along a winding route or in a direct line) of at least 60 m NNW (ca 350°) from the cave entrance to Krem –>Am War, Thangsah (note 4). APPROACH 2014.12.25: At a point some 250 m from an unidentified the village centre (with an unidentified GPS position) turn south (i.e. left if facing west) and walk down through a plantation of areca palms and past a relatively small farm and its buldings. Somewhere around is the cave entrance in a 1.8 m high front of a sandstone outcrop at the head of a water-worn ravine with a dense growth of shrubs (note 5). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2014.12.25: The only known single, low entrance at the base of a low cliff gives access to a complex or maze of intersecting passages which rather divide than devides immediately into many low passages on average 1.5 m wide and a metre high. Relatively many passages [are more or less] filled with friable boulders and blocks. [Allegedly noticed was a somewhat unlikely] evidence of small seasonal stream floeing [note 6] in the cave (Arbenz, T 2014.12.25 Mss: 2014.02.10 Krem Am Lynti.doc) but what might have been meant could be evidence for a seasonal flow of water. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2014.04.05: A low level maze surveyed to 146 m (anonymous Brooks, S J et al. 2014.04.05 Mss: Diary Meghalaya 2014 Second Edit: 10th February, Monday). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2014.04.29:Contact cave sandstone-limestone and complex maze f small passages (Arbenz, T 2014.04.29 undated Mss: Cave record overwiev 2_ 2014.xlsx). CAVE CONTENTS - speleothems: Blocks and friable boulders, sediments and [obviously unspecified] occasional calcite formations (Arbenz, T 2014.04.29 undated Mss: Cave record overwiev 2_ 2014.xlsx). CAVE POTENTIAL 2014.04.05: Somebody, who was in the thrall of that strange insular notion according to which exclusively permanent air currents count (note 7), announced no draught or further prospects (anonymous Brooks, S J et al. 2014.04.05 Mss: Diary Meghalaya 2014 Second Edit: 10th February, Monday). PROSPECTS 2014.12.25: The degree in which expedition cavers are attracted to this site is minimal - small passages could be pushed further by moving boulders (Arbenz, T 2014.04.29 undated Mss: Cave record overwiev 2_ 2014.xlsx). PROSPECTS 2014.04.29: Speleotopographical progress was finished [relinquished] (Arbenz, T 2014.04.29 undated Mss: Cave record overwiev 2_ 2014.xlsx). CAVE LIFE: Unspecified Aranea Orthoptera conf. Phalangopsidae and Chiroptera were expeditiously identified as Spiders, Crickets and bats (Arbenz, T 2014.12.25 Mss: 2014.02.10 Krem Am Lynti.doc).f small passages (Arbenz, T 2014.04.29 undated Mss: Cave record overwiev 2_ 2014.xlsx). CAVE CONTENTS - speleothems: Blocks and friable boulders, sediments and [obviously unspecified] occasional calcite formations (Arbenz, T 2014.04.29 undated Mss: Cave record overwiev 2_ 2014.xlsx). CAVE POTENTIAL 2014.04.05: Somebody, who was in the thrall of that strange insular notion according to which exclusively permanent air currents count (note 7), announced no draught or further prospects (anonymous Brooks, S J et al. 2014.04.05 Mss: Diary Meghalaya 2014 Second Edit: 10th February, Monday). PROSPECTS 2014.12.25: The degree in which expedition cavers are attracted to this site is minimal - small passages could be pushed further by moving boulders (Arbenz, T 2014.04.29 undated Mss: Cave record overwiev 2_ 2014.xlsx). PROSPECTS 2014.04.29: Speleotopographical progress was finished [relinquished] (Arbenz, T 2014.04.29 undated Mss: Cave record overwiev 2_ 2014.xlsx). CAVE LIFE: Unspecified Araneaf small passages (Arbenz, T 2014.04.29 undated Mss: Cave record overwiev 2_ 2014.xlsx). CAVE CONTENTS - speleothems: Blocks and friable boulders, sediments and [obviously unspecified] occasional calcite formations (Arbenz, T 2014.04.29 undated Mss: Cave record overwiev 2_ 2014.xlsx). CAVE POTENTIAL 2014.04.05: Somebody, who was in the thrall of that strange insular notion according to which exclusively permanent air currents count (note 7), announced no draught or further prospects (anonymous Brooks, S J et al. 2014.04.05 Mss: Diary Meghalaya 2014 Second Edit: 10th February, Monday). PROSPECTS 2014.12.25: The degree in which expedition cavers are attracted to this site is minimal - small passages could be pushed further by moving boulders (Arbenz, T 2014.04.29 undated Mss: Cave record overwiev 2_ 2014.xlsx). PROSPECTS 2014.04.29: Speleotopographical progress was finished [relinquished] (Arbenz, T 2014.04.29 undated Mss: Cave record overwiev 2_ 2014.xlsx). CAVE LIFE: Unspecified Aranea Orthoptera conf. Phalangopsidae and Chiroptera were expeditiously identified as Spiders, Crickets and bats (Arbenz, T 2014.12.25 Mss: 2014.02.10 Krem Am Lynti.doc).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2014.02.10, trip 1: Not only an unidentified the village headman (no name mentioned) but also lots of unmentionable guides and puppies (sic!) had a village day out for the sole reason of leading Brian Dermot Kharpran Daly, Simon J Brooks, Des McNally, Richa Jain and Elena Buduran along a relatively long trek (one and a half hours) up the hill from Kharkhana to Thangsah village. Just outside the village we were shown two caves. … The second cave, Krem Am Lynti, was surveyed by Simon, Elena and Richa. A low level maze with no draught or further prospects surveyed to 146 m. … We hiked back to camp in the dark by a more direct and vertical route (McNally, D in: anonymous Brooks, S J et al. 2014.04.05 Mss: Diary Meghalaya 2014 Second Edit: 10th February, Monday). On this occasion, S.Brooks, R.Iain, E.Buduran explored and surveyed the cave (Arbenz, T 2014.12.25 Mss: Simon Brooky, Richa Iain 2014.02.10 Krem Am Lynti.doc). 2014.02.16, trip 2: At an advanced stage of intersting GPS use, it were Thomas Arbenz and Oana Chachula who arrived at the site indicated by Simon’s GPS position. This turned out to be very correct as the team found the cave [sic! qua: two different cave entrances] at once. Only [sic! qua: Not only the two GPS serfs but also] the present locals were not sure [or, honestly said, did not know] which of the two caves within a 30 m radius was Krem Am War [and which Krem Am Lynti]. The problem was solved when Oana found a bottle of nail varnish near one of the entrances. Survey points were found and thus Krem Am Linthy [sic!] identified. The occasion to get some PDA training for Oana was good and so the cave was surveyed in proper school style. After two hours the 70 meters [sic! qua: metres] long cave [survey] was finished. It was an interesting cave, laying half in sandstone and half in limestone, but nothing big: just low “hands and knees stuff”. From a biological point of view, the cave seems to be too dry, but three [relatively] bigHeteropoda spiders were observed, together with interesting larva came from the ceiling, a few black [coloured] crickets, and a “step worm”, plus other 2 species [perhaps two apparently distinct species but possibly two individual specimen] of [relatively] small spiders (anonymous Arbenz, T in: anonymous Brooks, S J et al. 2014.04.05 Mss: Diary Meghalaya 2014 Second Edit: 16th February, Sunday). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.1AM WAR, Thangsah (Krem)
0.4AM WAR, Thangsah, 3rd cave (Krem pdeng)
1.1AM PYRCHOH (Krem)
1.2BLAH, Kharkhana (Krem)
1.2KHLAW AM (Krem)
1.2KATDIN (Krem)
1.6BORGHAT (Cave near)
1.7LAPHIANG (Krem pdeng)
1.8HARTALI (Krem)