Bero (Holqa)

(Arsi - ET)
Length 884m Depth 38m
Grottocenter / carte


After parking at the end of the dirt road beyond Nanoo, a long aproach walk reaches the confluence on the left bank of the R. Manya where the entrance is at the base of a small cliff. GS Vulcains - 22/12/2019


Brief description

GS Vulcains - 22/12/2019

The lower series is a small labyrinth of passages leading to the Salle du Pilier and just short of this chamber is a side passage which leads to the upper series.

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.0Holka Baro 22315
3.2Enkuftu O Kabanawa40554
3.2Wene Kalo (Holqa)10924
5.3Gondha Dadhii 1 (Enkuftu)15-15
5.4Gondha Dadhii 2 (Enkuftu)6-6
5.8Holka Bortee23615
6.0Nanoo (Holqa)45710
21.2Adaangur (Holka) [Adaanguv]3414