Dimba n°6

(Buzi - MZ)
Length 140m Depth 5m
Grottocenter / carte


Mutanda zone, Buzi district, Sofala province. GPS (WGS84) S 19°52′38.1" / E 34°07:55,2". ca. 90 m asl. Surveyed on 9 Sept. 1999 by Michael Laumanns and Jens Römer (BCRAGrade 4b). Length: 140,00 m. Vertical range: - 5,00 m. The cave is situated about 0,5 km south of the W-E-track, which crosses the karst region in the North. Michael Laumanns - 28/11/2015


General description

Michael Laumanns - 28/11/2015

Dimba n°6 consists of 2 passages separated just by an impassable breakdown: The N part is 19 m long and the S main part continues for about 120 m. Access is made via climbable daylight openings in the ceilings of the cave sections. The roof of the N section is about 1 m thick only. The ground is covered by rocks and breakdowns form the cave’s end towards the N and S. At the S end another small room of 2 x 3 m leads to the W, where a few cave-crickets a few bats (Nycteris sp.) were seen. The main part (S section) of the cave, which leads in Southern direction, has two W extensions. 10 m behind the entrance, where some skeleton remainders were found, the rift passage turns to the right and then to the left. The height is about 3-5 m. After another 10 m, the passage gets very small caused by beautiful calcite covering on the walls. Here a 30 m long passage continues in W direction, which contains a fragile network of roots at its end. In the main gallery a spacey chamber is reached. In its centre calcite covered roots reaches the ground. In the further continuation the passage diminishes in size again and after 20 m one meets a further branch to the W. To the S the main passage closes down after 10 m. The W section contains 4 strong roots. A few meters further a daylight opening in 6-7 m height is reached. After 10 more metres the passage gets impassable, too. Except spiders, cave-crickets and insects no other animals were seen. The cave does not show any signs of conglomerate fillings. An air temperature of 21.2°C was measured,

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