Hosapete (Hosapete taluk - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 04/07/2016

The so-called »Underground Temple« (note 1) is a sunken, man-made structure (note 2) used for religious purposes (note 3), which is partly filled with water and frogs (note 4) and contains inscription (note 5). SITUATION: At Hampi, the ruined capital of Vijayanagar, some 2 km south from Achyutaraya temple and within the "Royal Enclosure" (LONELY PLANET, India 1997: 956 map; 1999: 1011; 2001: 856-857; 2003: 875, 2005: 843; LONELY PLANET, South India 2001: 390; RAUSCH & LUKOWSKI 1997: 203 location map: 46 unterirdischer Tempel).

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 04/07/2016

NOTE 1: The item »10 Prasanna-Virupaksa (Underground) temple« (FILLIOZAT 1977 edited 2001 location map) is the same as »24 Underground Temple« (LONELY PLANET, India 1997: 956 location map) or »7 Underground Virupaksha Temple« (LONELY PLANET, India 2005: 842 location map) NOTE 2: »The temple is no longer underground as the accumulated silt and rubbish that once buried it has been removed by the Public Works Department. It is a large Siva temple and it was originally, purposely built below the level of the surrounding ground so that the linga might stand surrounded by water …« (LONGHURST 1917 edited 1982, 2002: 91-93). NOTE 3: LONGHURST (1917 edited 1982, 2002: 28-29, 91, figures 7, 37) draws attention to »nagakals« (literally: snake stones) set up by womenfolk of Vijayanagar in the north-east corner of the Underground temple. WARD (1991, 1992: 26) interprets the sunken structure as »the private royal chapel centred on a shrine that may even be 14th century.« NOTE 4: WARD (1991, 1992: 26) had encountered »frogs cavorting in slime left from scant rainfall« but on 26th February the then 30 cm deep water (21.5°C) was clear and frogs were extremly difficult to find. ABRAM (2001: 262) confirms that »much of the so-called Underground Temple, or Prasanna Virupaksha, lies below ground level and spends part of the year filled with rainwater.« NOTE 5: »According to a stone inscription the Underground Temple was known as Prasanna Virupakshe, i.e., the delighted Virupaksha« (LONGHURST 1917 edited 1982, 2002: 94, location map item 16). FILLIOZAT (1977 edited 2001: 8 note 3) refers to »S [South Indian Inscriptions] II. vol. IV, no. 260.«


Bibliography 04/07/2016
  • Abram, David 2001; Filliozat, Vasundhara 1977 edited 1980, 1999, 2001; Lonely Planet, India 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005; Lonely Planet, South India 2001: 390; Longhurst, Albert Henry 1917 edited 1982, 2002; Rausch, Barbara & Lukowski, Peter 1997; Ward, Philip 1991, 1992.


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 26.02.2004: H. D. Gebauer and Werner Busch visited, took a GPS reading, measured the water temperature, found frogs almost absent but a scared a toddler instead, demanding »One Rupee« over and over again, interrupted only by giggling shivers induced by cavers mimicking Fritz Lang's Nosferatu. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 04/07/2016

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.9Underground Chamber, Vijayanagar
1.1Hampi Rock-cut Shrine
1.3Hampi Cave
1.6Matangaparvata (Cave on)
1.6Hampi Archway
2.1Hampi-Vittala Tunnel
2.4SUGRIVA CAVE, Hampi 3