(Amlarem - IN)
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Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 07/05/2016

An unspecified cave entrance (unidentified shape, unidentified dimensions, unidentified orientation, unidentified characteristics) is said to give access to something along the lines of a »deep shaft« (Charles Slong, Pdengshakap, 1995 personal communication), which is suspected to drain an incised feeder stream. ETYMOLOGY: The origin and meaning of the cave names »Shured Cave« (LALOO, S S 1995a: 4; 1995b: 4) and »Krem Pshashuro« (Kharpran Daly, B D 1995 November personal communication with Charles Slong, Pdengshakap) has not yet been discovered (note 1).SITUATION: Unknown. On the one-hand side »about half a mile [about 0.8 km] from Pdengshakap village« (LALOO, S S 1995a: 4; 1995b: 4) and on the other somewhere south of Pdengshakap village (N25°14'00”: E092°08'52”: circa 950 m asl WGS84) and about a kilometre (or so) in an unidentified direction from that place on the road, from where one walks off for the cave entrance to –>Krem Lashing (Charles Slong, Pdengshakap, 1995 personal communication). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1995a: »Inside the cave there is one river which is abundant with fishes. … There are also various graving of nature on the lime stone« (LALOO, S S 1995a: 4). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1995b: »Inside the cave there is one river which abounds in fishes. … There are also various engravings of nature on the limestones« (LALOO, S S 1995b: 4). CULTURAL HISTORY - human use fishing ground: »People from Pdengshakap village used to go for fishing inside this cave« (LALOO, S S 1995a: 4; 1995b: 4). CAVE LIFE: Edible »fishes« (LALOO, S S 1995a: 4; 1995b: 4) conf. Pisces.

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 07/05/2016

NOTE 1: "pjiah" (Khasi; verb) »to feed carefully; to nurse« (SINGH, N 1906: 161). "pjar" (Khasi; verb), a contraction of ”pyjar” (SINGH, N 1906: 161), »to drain« (SINGH, N 1906: 161). "shár" (verb); »to choke« (SINGH, N 1906: 191); »to overhang« (SINGH, N 1920: 357). "ka shár" (noun) »a funnel« (SINGH, N 1906: 191; 1920: 195; BLAH, E 2007: 112); »a tunnel« (SINGH, N 1920: 544). "sharúd" (preposition) »outside, in the open air, out of the way« (SINGH, N 1906: 191). "shrat" (verb); »to clear off the scales of a fish by means of a daw or other sharp instrument« (SINGH, N 1906: 199). "shùr" (Khasi; verb) »to press forward« (SINGH, N 1906: 200). "u (dieng soh) shur" (Khasi; noun) »a kind of wild pear tree« (SINGH, N 1906: 69). "oh" (Khasi; verb) »to cut; to notch« (SINGH, N 1906: 146).


Bibliography 07/05/2016
  • Laloo, Shining Star 1995a, 1995b.


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1995 July: Khlur Thaba alias Shining Star Laloo drew the attention of ladies and gentlemen beckoned by »Misty Mountains« (Meghalaya) to the existence of a certain »Shured Cave about half a mile from Pdengshakap village« (LALOO, S S 1995a: 4; 1995b: 4). 1995 November: Charles Slong, then the Pdengshakap village headman, told the cave name »Krem Pshashuro« (or so) to Brian D. Kharpran Daly (translator), H. D. Gebauer (recorder) and Simon J. Brooks (leader). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 07/05/2016

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