Hamangala Rock Caves

Ampara (Ampara District - LK)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

An unidentified number of rock caves in the desolation of Bintenne (note 1) bear inscriptions and one contains rock art represented by ancient veddah drawings (CEYLON TRAVELLER 1974: 251; 1983: 253) or Wanniyala-Aetto cave art (vedda.org/cave_drawings.htm accessed 2009.08.02). APPROACH 1: Proceed from Uhana (N07°22': E081°38') 6.5 km generally north-northeast to Kohombana (N07°24': E081°37') and then 4 km (without direction: approximately west) along a cart track. Leave this track, turn left (sic) and walk over the plain. The caves are situated in the rocky outcrops of the Hamangala (note 2), which rise for about 60 to 90 m from the surrounding plains (CEYLON TRAVELLER 1974: 251; 1983: 253). APPROACH 2: The Hamangala rock caves may be reached by the Maha Oya road from Amparai (N07°17': E081°40'). Turn left (approximately west) at the Kohombana junction, somewhere between the 8th and 9th mile posts (km 13 to 14.5), onto a gravel road that leads to Bandaraduwa (N07°26': E01°34'), and proceed from there for about 6.5 km along a jungle track to the Hemangala (CEYLON TRAVELLER 1974: 253; 1983: 254). CULTURAL HISTORY - rock art: An un number of caves bear inscriptions and one cave contains rock art: ancient Veddah drawings (CEYLON TRAVELLER 1974: 253; 1983: 254). Vedda cave drawings such as those found at Hamangala provide graphic evidence of the sublime spiritual and artistic vision achieved by the ancestors of today's Wanniyala-Aetto people. Most researchers today agree that the artistes most likely were the Wanniyala-Aetto women who spent long hours in these caves waiting for their menfolk's return from the hunt (HARRIGAN 1993, vedda.org/cave_drawings.htm accessed 2009.08.02).1°34'), and proceed from there for about 6.5 km along a jungle track to the Hemangala (CEYLON TRAVELLER 1974: 253; 1983: 254). CULTURAL HISTORY - rock art: An un number of caves bear inscriptions and one cave contains rock art: ancient Veddah drawings (CEYLON TRAVELLER 1974: 253; 1983: 254). Vedda cave drawings such as those found at Hamangala provide graphic evidence of the sublime spiritual and artistic vision achieved by the ancestors of today's Wanniyala-Aetto people. Most researchers today agree that the artistes most likely were the Wanniyala-Aetto women who spent long hours in these caves waiting for their menfolk's return from the hunt (HARRIGAN 1993, vedda.org/cave_drawings.htm accessed 2009.08.02).


Bibliography 06/01/2018
  • Ceylon Traveller 1974, 1983; Harrigan, Patrick 1993.


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
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