Paman (Tham)

(ເມືອງງອຍ - LA)
Depth 0m
Approach ☆☆☆☆☆ Aestheticism ☆☆☆☆☆ Ease of move ☆☆☆☆☆
Grottocenter / carte


Map sheet: F48-110 Methode: from map DREYBRODT JOERG - 23/06/2024


DREYBRODT JOERG informations

Frédéric Urien - 23/06/2024

History: Explo history: - 2002/03: reported to Dreybrodt & Laumanns/German Lao Speleological Project 2002/2003, not explored [5158] Cave description: Citation: Analysis: - 102o38,860’ (calculated from map), alt. approx. 550 m. Length not known. This reportedly small cave was indicated by the locals from Sop Chem during the 2002 expedition. Time was not sufficient to visit and survey the cave [5158] Equipment: Remarks: References: [4846]: Dreybrodt, J. & Laumanns, M. 2003: Der unbekannte Norden von Laos - Ergebnisse eines Erkundungsprojekts. Mitt. Verb. Dt. Höhlen- und Karstforsch. 49 (2): 38-41. [4847]: Dreybrodt, J. & Laumanns, M. 2003: Northern Laos Christmas 2002. Expedition to Muang Ngoy & Luang Prabang, Lao PDR. Unpublished Report, 20pp. [5158]: Dreybrodt, J. & Laumanns, M. (eds.) 2005: The unknown North of Laos (Karst and Caves of the Provinces Luang Phrabang and Luang Nam Tha). Berliner Höhlenkundliche Berichte 16. 105 pp & Annex.

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