Орлова чука (Пещерата) [Orlova Chuka Cave]

Две могили (Русе - BG)
Length 13437m
Grottocenter / carte


Bibliography 05/05/2010


Orlova Chuka Cave

People enter the cave in groups (not more than 15 people) at every round hour. Taking pictures in the cave is allowed, but lighting of fire, disturbing the animals which inhabit the cave, as well as visiting the raw galleries of the cave is forbidden. It is also forbidden to visit the cave within the period of 1 November – 1 April; and during the rest of the year the tourist visiting is only allowed within the time between 9 am and 5 pm. Information materials and souvenirs are sold in the site. People enter the cave only accompanied by a tour guide.

Vanyo Gyorev (14/02/2018)

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