Tham Hub Pha Khao - CM0158

สันทราย (TH)
Grottocenter / carte


This cave was shown on a tourist information map board to be in the Royal Project gardens, below a white cliff. This is a couple of hundred metres into the gardens, near to Dead Robber Waterfall Cave (CM0097). Couldn't be found in January 2007 during a brief look at the base of the white cliff seen from the road. This location is very close to Dead Robber Waterfall Cave and may be the same site. Martin Ellis - 29/06/2019

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.1Dead Robber Waterfall Cave [CM0097]570166
0.2Sink CM0159 - CM0159
0.2Ang Khang (Sinkhole) [CM0245]
0.8Cricket Cave [CM0150]347106
0.9Tham Ban Luang - CM0074590199
2.0Poppy Sink Cave - CM009910793
2.1Black Scorpion Cave [CM0155]
2.3Roadside Well Cave - CM0154
3.5Sink CM0147 - CM0147