Vanalden cave

Los Angeles (Los Angeles County - US)
Grottocenter / carte


Short description

Didier Borg - 14/03/2017

Vanalden Cave is a sandstone den about 25 feet tall, 25 feet wide, and 50 feet deep. The roof of the cave is only a few feet thick with a few holes that, like skylights, illuminate the cave walls, which are covered with curious carvings and graffiti. You can hike 0.6 miles round trip to Vanalden Cave for a short excursion with 100 feet of elevation change, or extend the hike to 1.55 miles round trip with 350 feet of elevation change to reach a nearby vista point on Vanalden Trail that provides a panoramic amphitheater-like view of the Santa Monica Mountains.


Bibliography 14/03/2017

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