Tham Hia [Tham Tia] [CH0094]

(หนองฉิม - TH)
Grottocenter / carte


Nam Tok Tham Hia is an alternative name for the Tat Fa waterfall. The waterfall is 3km north of Na Siao and 5km north-west of the H201 on the southern flanks of the Khao Phu E Thao mountain. It is a 4 km walk north from Ban Na Sieow. Martin Ellis - 23/06/2019


Martin Ellis - 23/06/2019

There is meant to be a small cave as well as a steep waterfall.

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
5.2Tham Wat Sila At [Tham Phu Phra] [CH0048]905
9.1Tham Sing - CH0081
33.4Phra Phu Kratae (Tham) [Phra Pho Kra Dair] [CH0071]
35.1Tham Pha Daeng [KK0096]500
38.6Tham Han [KK0103]
67.9Pha Sam (Tham) [CH 0087]
68.4Tham Wiman Na Din - CH00847510
69.2Cave CH0068 [Sketch Cave] [CH0068]200
70.9Tham Chedi Boraphot 2 - CH0099100