Tham Men - LB0069

โคกตูม (TH)
Length 146m Depth 19m
Grottocenter / carte


The entrance to this cave is small and difficult to find without a guide. It is located in a shallow valley on the eastern flanks of the mountain. Martin Ellis - 17/02/2020


Martin Ellis - 17/02/2020

This cave is a series of five small rooms connected by narrow passages and squeezes. The second room contains tree roots and parasitic plants. The final room has a skylight entering 12 m up the left hand wall. Speleothems are plentiful an actively growing. A tight squeeze at the entrance protects the cave from casual human visitors, though porcupines appear to use the cave heavily.


Martin Ellis - 17/02/2020

SMART, DEAN (2005) Grade UISv2 3-3-F


[Topo] Tham Men 07/05/2019
Bibliography 17/02/2020


2004-11-06 D. Smart e al. - surveyed cave Martin Ellis - 17/02/2020

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