Tham Phu Toei - KA0192

สหกรณ์นิคม (TH)
Length 400m Depth 0m
Grottocenter / carte


Co-ordinates are for first entrance. Second entrance at 47P 485857 1629638 which is 170m from the first entrance. The cave is easy to reach from Ban Phu Toei, 500m west of the road to Srinagarind Dam about 15km south of Song Tho (turn off at the school). The cave is in a tower the grounds of a wat, to the south-west of the village. Martin Ellis - 04/09/2019


Martin Ellis - 04/09/2019

Water from a pond sinks at the northern entrance and thenflows south past 3 more entrances. The stream way does not appear to have been explored.


Martin Ellis - 04/09/2019

Craseonycteris thonglongyai Hill, 1974 (Chordata, Mammalia, Chiroptera, Craseonycteridae) (Boonkerd et al. 2005)


Bibliography 04/09/2019


The cave was visited by Dean Smart in August 1995 who surface surveyed between the 4 entrances, but only did a Grade 1 sketch of the cave. Martin Ellis - 04/09/2019

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