Tham Nam Bokeo

(ເມືອງໂພນທອງ - LA)
Depth 0m
Approach ☆☆☆☆☆ Aestheticism ☆☆☆☆☆ Ease of move ☆☆☆☆☆
Grottocenter / carte


Map sheet: F48-111 Methode: GPS DREYBRODT JOERG - 23/06/2024


DREYBRODT JOERG informations

Frédéric Urien - 23/06/2024

History: Explo history: -- 09.01.2014: surveyed to 49m by the Northern Lao-European Cave Project, Team Matt & Nancy, finished. Cave description: Citation: Analysis: [synopsis_2014]: Cave Synopsis Laos 2014 (Houaphan + Luang Prabang provinces)5. Mai 2014 No.Map-sheetReg.NoDateNameCoordinates (WGS 84)Alt.Village / BanDistrictProvinceLength (m)SurveyMapOptions 4009.01.2014Tham Nam BokeoN 20o53'36''; E 103o11'42''934Ban NaluangPhon ThongLuang Prabang49NPNPfinished Equipment: Remarks: References: [synopsis_2014]

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