SADDA (Cave near)
No locally kown name has been identified for a pair of vertical cave entrance in »iron clay« (laterite), where rudely circular potholes, about 3 m to 5 m in diameter and deep, drop down into an unexplored but reputedly »very extensive« seasonal stream cave passage, which, similar to the cave at –>Holund, is assumed to drain to a resurgence entrance. Compare the caves at –>Holundi and –>Kolik.»These caves have in all probability other lateral exits for the water which drains into them. They are probably developed due to the action of subterraneous streams formed during the tremendous bursts of the south-west monsoon. None of the openings seen had the character of swallow holes, but seemed due to the roof of the subterranean passage having fallen in locally« (FOOTE 1877: 211).SITUATION: FOOTE (1877: 210-211) places this anonymous cave somewhere »… a little to the west of Sadda (Suda)« (note 1). »Sadda (Suda Ft.)« (FOOTE 1877) is, perhaps, the »Surla« indicated near N15°40': E74°10'30" on AMS sheet ND43-02 Belgaum (U502 series, 1960 edition) and positioned at N15°40': E74°10' ( accessed 16.11.2003) or as »Sadda (Suda)« at N15°39": E74°09' (unspecified geodetic datum probably Everest 1830, CRAVEN 1969a: 25). CAVE DESCRIPTION: »Both [Sadda and –>Holundi Cave] occur below the surface of wide level spreads of rock and present no other openings but large rudely circular holes 12 to 15 ft in diameter and as about as deep. Neither is accessible without ladders, owing to the 'oubliette' character of the mouth, and torches are required. [Sadda cave] had two openings at no great distance apart, and is said to be very extensive.« TACKLE: Light, 5 m-ladder, tether. CAVE LIFE: »According to the villagers, both [Sadda and –>Holund cave] are frequently tenanted by wild beasts, bears and tigers. The Sadda cave indeed is said to be a permanent tiger's den, and my guides so greatly objected to attempting any descent into it, that it looked as if they had told the truth« (FOOTE 1877: 211).
NOTE 1: »Sadda« or »Suda Ft.« (Sada Fort, Sadhugarh, etc.) as such is neither listed on (accessed 16.11.2003) nor in the IMPERIAL GAZETTEER (1907-1909) or in the India Road Atlas (Eicher Goodearth 2006 index).
EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1876 / 1877 winter: Robert Bruce FOOTE (1877) visited the entrances and recorded two rudely circular 5m-potholes, of which the exploration, made sportive due to the presence of imagined or existing bears and tigers, would have required ladders and torches.
Caves nearby
Distance (km) | Name | Length (m) | Depth (m) |
7.5 | HOLUND CAVE (Cave near) | ||
12.9 | KOLIK CAVE | ||
17.3 | Mauxi | ||
18.1 | Arvalem Cave 2 | ||
19.4 | PISSURLEM (Caves at) | ||
19.9 | Talewadi Cave | ||
26.1 | Lamgao Caves | ||
26.1 | SURLA TAR (Caves at) |